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W R I T T E N : J U L Y  1 4 + 1 5 T H2 0 1 8P U B L I S H E D: SEPTEMBER 1ST 2018

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W R I T T E N : J U L Y  1 4 + 1 5 T H
2 0 1 8

W A R N I N G : S A D



HAYDEN walked around with her father, Hayden needed more books so Hayden and her father went out to go get some more. Michael walked away to get some more cigarettes and wine. Hayden was scanning over the books she had gotten and scanned around for her father. Michael was not in sight so Hayden started to walk around more confused, she walked away from the rest of the people and heard two voices from the trees. She walked towards them to see her father and someone who she never hoped to see again.

"Dad?" Her father turned towards her, her looked at her angrily but it wasn't because he was angry at her. "Hayden?" The female voice spoke, Hayden couldn't even look at her, "Are we gonna go dad?" Acting like she wasn't even there, "is that the way you treat your mother?" Hayden didn't look at her only had a disgusted look on her face as she stared at her dad. "You have never and never will be my mother. Dad, can we go?" Her father nodded, narrowing his eyes at her, "Margret." He spit like venom before walking away with his daughter but she followed after them.

"Hayden please, talk to me." Hayden was walking when she turned around to face margret. "Hmm?" Hayden stood there with crossed arms and looked at Margaret expectedly. "Im sorry." Hayden scoffed. "Yeah right." "I've changed hayden, I promise." "Don't say that." "Its true." As the two woman talked, Gilbert walked behind Hayden and grabbed onto her shoulder. Hayden stopped arguing with her and turned to Gilbert and her face softened."Gilbert..." She breathed out and stared at him, he looked between the women. "Is everything okay?

Hayden shook her head and Gilbert pulled her into his arms. "I was just leaving." "Hayden." "Go back to where you came from margret and never talk to any of us again." Gilbert held her as they walk away. Hayden and Gilbert walked towards her father and stop a few feet in front of him.
"Im sorry you had to see that."

Gilbert rubbed her shoulders slightly while giving her a smile. "Its alright."
Gilbert tilted his head at her.
"Who was that?"
Hayden snarled before answering him,
"My mother."

Gilbert's eyes widened as he pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her protectivly, "Are you alright?" He whispered in her ear and hugged her tight.
She smiled at him and kissed his ear which caused his to bury his face in her neck. "Im alright Gilbert. I promise." Gilbert nodded from her neck. "Shouldn't you be home with your dad gil."

He blushed from the nickname but answered anyways."I needed to go out and get some things." Hayden nodded and heard a cough from behind them. Hayden turned to face her father and Gilbert brushed himself off and stood facing him. "You never told me you two were dating." Gilbert and Hayden looked at each other before looking at her father.

"I thought i-" "I'm sorry sir-" Michael shook his head before looking at the two teens.  "It's alright. I think you two are great together." Hayden smiled at her father. "Thank you dad." "Thank you sir." Michael tilted his head at Gilbert, "I told you to call me Michael." Gilbert nodded his head, "sorry, sir-micheal." Hayden chuckled lightly before turning to gilbert. "I should go, just in case she tries to talk to us again." Gilbert nodded turning towards her.

Hayden looked at her father and shot him a glare. Michael nodded before turning and walking but staying in sight. Hayden turned back to gilbert and kissed him. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her back. Hayden pulled him closer and he put his hands on her lower back. Hayden chuckled as they pull apart.
"I love you Gilbert Blythe."
"I love you too Hayden Bolton."

They kiss again and they pulled apart with heavy breath. Hayden ran a hand through his hair as she kissed the tip of his nose. He grinned at her so the corners of his eyes were wrinkled. He pecked her lips as he said goodbye. "Bye gil." They said another I love you too each other before Hayden and Gilbert walked away from each other.


Hayden stood next to her father, it was the day of John Bythes death. Hayden was sad, of course but she felt worse for Gilbert. Death was apart of life, life could only continue if death happened, but when death happens, the living suffer more than the dead. That's always what Hayden believed, Hayden thought that death lead to leave but the people living were left to suffer. Hayden leaned on her brothers should as she stared at gilbert. He held his head up, not crying. She barely listened to the minister as he spoke, all she could do is watch gilbert.

Hayden wanted to stay with Gilbert when everyone else walked away but she knew that he would probably so she followed after her father. As the service when on she stood next to anne, looking out the window. "I feel bad for gilbert." Hayden nodded in agreement. Hayden and anne watched out the window for a little long before Hayden talked at anne, "anne, I have something to tell you." Anne looked at her expectantly. "Im dating Gilbert blythe." Anne's eyes widened as Hayden whispered those words. "What?" Hayden looked around to see people staring at them after Anne's loud out burst. "Sorry." Hayden muttered towards the people who then turned away from them.

"What?" Anne mouthed in surprise to hayden. "Me and him are dating." Anne hit her shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me?" Hayden shrugged, "I thought you would be like the other girls and say, "oh, ruby has dibs."" Anne shook her head at Hayden. "I would never do anything like that. I'm not a fan of Gilbert blythe but if you two like each other than you two like each other." Hayden smiled and hugged anne. "Thank you." Hayden and anne went back to looking out the window and they looked at each other when they saw gilbert. "Go talk to him." Hayden nodded before wrapping her coat around her shoulders and walking towards gilbert.

"Gilbert." He turned towards the sound of his voice. Hayden walked next to him and they walked together, "I'm sorry." Gilbert stumble over his foot for a second but regained his balance. He looked at her as she talked. "Im not going to say sorry for your loss or are you okay because you have probably heard all those things already. I know that your not okay because your mourning." They stop walking and they turn towards each other. "I kind of just want to be alone right now Hayden." Hayden sighed but reached a hand towards him but he stepped back. "Gilbert."

Gilbert scoffed and continued to step away from her, "I just want to be alone right now hayden. God, your being so clingy right now." Hayden froze and looked at Gilbert and took off the necklace he gave her and threw it on the ground. "Well I'm sorry I just wanted to be nice. I know you're grieving, but you don't have to be a jerk."  She stormed away from him leaving him looking even sadder than he was before.
Hayden knows he doesn't mean what he says but it still hurts that he said it.

Y E A R N I N G  --》 GILBERT BLYTHE [1] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now