Chapter 08

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--A Week Later--

Hara sat outside as she was doing some homework. It wasnt snowing and the sun was out so it wasnt that cold which was nice. She didnt notice that someone was getting ready to attack. She stared down at the page in deep thought. Her thoughts went blank when snow was thrown at her.

"Yah! You little kids I sw--." She looked up and saw it was Rocky. He smiled as he waved. She then looked at her homework immediately cleaning it off.

"Look what you did! Its all wet!" She says as she sighed. Rocky then shrugged as if it was nothing. Hara stood and picked up some snow. Rocky watched her as he smiled. The smile was soon covered with a snow ball to the face. He laughed a bit cleaning his face off.

"Dont think so!" Hara says as she continued to make small snow balls to throw at him. Even if they were small, combining them made a lot of snow and they are easy and fast to make in terms of attack. Rocky couldnt see and didnt know where to hide so he threw the one he had made as he felt he was going her way to stop her. His snow ball hit her face making her slightly scrunch up. Then the two ran into each other due to Rockys unsure sense of where he was trying to go and they fell. It was silent as he wiped his face. Her on the other hand, her face was red because it was cold and she couldnt see much since he was on top of her, she couldnt wipe your face. Rocky then lightly laughed as he looked at her face. She then slightly kneed him in the stomach making him stop.

"Okay fine." He says as he brought his hands up to her face and then began to wipe her face. Her eyes opened as she looked at him. He looked down at her as his hand slightly rested on her cheek. The two stared at each other in silence. Rocky had found himself being pulled as he slowly went down. Her eyes widened as she kicked his side again making him stop as he blinked a bit.

"Yah! I cant feel my hands!" She says. He then blushed hard as he got off of her. She blushed but was glad her face was red from being cold that it covered it. When the two were up Hara rubbed her hands together since she didnt have gloves. Rocky grabbed her hands holding them both in one hand as he began to walk up to her house. Hara blushed more and followed. When the two entered the house Rocky went to take care of Haras hands. But outside. Moonbin stood he had watched the whole thing.

"Rocky.. Likes Hara.." He says as he stood there thinking. He didnt really know WHAT to think. He never thought Rocky could feel that way about Hara. He always did tease Moonbin on his little crush.


Rocky was on the couch as Hara was in tge kitchen. When she entered the livingroom she had two cups in her hand. She put one down and held the other.

"When I get yelled at for wet homework that I cant turn in. I'm going to hit you." She says as she sat down. He then chuckled as he grabbed his cup and nodded.

"Just give me the paper, Ill do it for you." He says. She then rolled her eyes as she knew he wouldn't do it.

"Anyways, why are you here?" She says. He then looked at her as it got quiet for a few seconds.

"I just felt like going somewhere, before I knew it I was here." He says before taking a sip. She gave him a blunt look not believing anything he just said. He then smiled a bit before he put the cup down.

"I wanted to ask you about the competition." He says. She then became a bit more interested as she raised an eyebrow at him. They've become friends and have never talked about it, as if it had never existed.

"Well.. No matter what happens, you wont break off your friendship with us right. We will still be friends.. And you'll talk to me." He says. She then blinked as she watched his expression go into a sad and unsure look. He was regretting asking it as she could hear a small gulp.

"Actually forget it, I think I should go. Wrong time to ask that question." He says with a sheepish smile as he stood up. She then grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit next to her.

"It already came out of your mouth so hear my answer." She says. He then blinked a bit as he stared at her. They were pretty close, he could almost feel her short breaths.

"I know I wasnt the best at treating you and Moonbin with kindness.. But now that we are friends and I know you guys, I wouldnt want to cut our ties just because of the competition. We will definitely still be friends and I will talk to you.. I know I always expressed how much I dislike you. But you turned out to be someone I want to be friends with." She says as she had a small shy smile with a light blush. He looked at her smile then focused on her lips and then to her eyes. He then began to get closer.

"Im glad to be fr—." Her words were cut off when-



I havent updated this in so long..

Im trying to make it less crappy right now so yeahh

I will work on it here and there but post at my own pace cause the stress just isnt something I need 👌🏼💕

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