Chapter 09

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Hara got up. Someone was knocking on the door. Rocky blushed as he sat there thinking what was he doing? Hara opened the door and then smiled.

"Hey Moonbin, what are you doing here?" She asks. He then smiled with a sheepish chuckle as she moved to let him in.

"Felt like going somewhere, before I knew it I was here." He says. Hara gave him a blunt expression.

"You two have the same minds.." She says as she closed the door and the two walked back to the livingroom. Rocky looked over at Moonbin who seemed to have a bit of anger and jealousy and hurt in his eyes. Rocky blinked and in an instant he seemed to feel like the most horrible person in the world.

"I think Im gonna go." Rocky says as he stood up and speed walked pass the two and put his things on messily before leaving. Hara blinked before she shrugged a bit.

"So why was he here?" Moonbin says. Hara looked at him before she gave a light smile.

"He was just making sure of something." She says. Moonbin raised an eyebrow as she chuckled and the two sat down.

"He was asking if the 3 of us would still be friends after what happens next month." She says as she leaned back onto the couch grabbing her cup.

"Ah.. And you said.." Moonbin asks forgetting about whatever emotions he had and becoming a bit worried.

"You two really have little faith in me. We've already come so far and I trust you guys in just about a week. So trust me enough to know we will all be freinds." Hara says. Moonbin then smiled and blushed before he looked down.

Maybe I should..

He looks down and gulps as he fiddles with his fingers. She notices as she looks at him raising an eyebrow as she drank some of her hot chocolate.

"What if I dont want to be friends.." Moonbin says. Hara almost chocked on her drink as she coughed and looked at him.

"What? Why??" She asks. Moonbin looked at her and then reached out grabbing her hand.

"Hara.. I actually like you.. A lot.. And I wanted to know if you would go on a date with me." He says. She blushes as she looks at their hands and then back to Moonbins face.

"I.. Uhm.." She didnt know what to say. Maybe she wanted to say yes. Maybe she wanted to say no. She just wasnt sure. His eyes became sad as he forced a smile.

"I-Its okay! I shouldnt have forced such a stupid.. question.." He says as he let go of her hand and stood up. She then bites her lip before she grabbed his hand.

"Moonbin.. I.. Yes." She says with a blush on her face. His eyes went wide and then saddened a bit.

"Please dont say this because its what I want.." He says. She then shakes her head. A part of her told her it was and the other part told her otherwise.

"Y-You.. I.. Consider you as someone I would want to be around.. You're always so sweet and caring.. I know in the beginning I treated you as if you were one of the worst people ever.. But you aren't and you are special to me Moonbin.. So." She looks to the side with a red face as she gripped his hand. He stared at her with his mouth a bit open as he blushed.

"I want to go out with you.." She says as she slowly looked at him. He then smiled softly as he hugged her. She hugged back with a small smile. Its not like she didnt like Moonbin I mean, look at him. He is basically everything fit for it especially since he cared about her and even stuck by her for a while. Of course she hasnt completely opened up to him but as of now she thinks its okay. But she does like Moonbin a lot, maybe not sure how but she knows she does. Afterwards they hung out there for a while until it got late and he went home.


The next day at the end of school Moonbin stood outside the school to wait for Hara. He then saw MJ talking to people as they walked out but no Hara so he went over.

"MJ!" He says. MJ looked at him and waved with a smile. The two met halfway.

"Uhm wheres Hara?" He says a bit confused. MJ then thought about it before he nodded.

"She went to the dance studio during lunch and free period and just never came back. She seems conflicted so dont go on and ticking her off. She will curse and it wont be pretty." He says. Moonbin chuckled lightly before he nodded and the two said their byes and left. Moonbins head filled with thoughts.

Maybe its my doing..

He thinks as he sighed.


When he got to the studio he looked around and then heard music coming from one. He then went over to the door and opened it a tad. There he saw Hara and a few others dancing. Suddenly Hara stopped and sighed in frustration.

"I cant do it! I cant!" She says. Suddenly another guy went up to her and gave her a water bottle.

"Hara, you can do it. You're just tired. You need to go to sleep and stop staying up all night." He says. She then sighed as she put her head on the mirror as she closed her eyes tiredly.

"I know, I know.. I just couldn't sleep all night. Yesterday was eventful and I stayed up all night trying to get my mind off of it and then suddenly a HUGE idea for the dance came and I did it at home after a few hours.. But I cant do it here! I hate it!" She says as she fell to her knees tiredly. The taller male then went down and pulled her to his chest and Moonbin became a bit jealous. He observed as she leaned into his chest and closed her eyes.

"Just take a nap for a bit.. You'll get it right later." He says soothingly. Moonbin became a extremely jealous as he watched and glared, but he still observed her as she was instantly asleep. The male then picked her up and then lied her on the small couch there. Then he stood and sighed.

"You can stop snooping now." He says as he made eye contact with Moonbin through the mirror. Moonbin then blinked before he opened the door a bit embarrassed as all eyes were on him.

"Hello competition." The male says with a smile. Moonbin gulped as he sheepishly smiled. He shouldn't be here.


Omg its been forever

I haven't update my Astro Imagines and I felt bad wnd this chapter was in my drafts so I just lets get it and finally.

Its here y'all.

Some of you expected a kiss,,

Well I just yeeted that thought
Infinity miles away sksks

At least until

But hey

Patience is Key

Patience yields focus
-Stan Space Dad

So yeahhh

Okay bye bye love you goodnight

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