Chapter 1

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Harry woke up, groaning at the hurt back he had. His eyes opened and he blinked a few times to get used to the dim light intensity and view the surroundings.

He looked around and found himself in a room, way bigger than his own bedroom, and noticed that he was on a bed. He had no idea for how long he was sleeping there and that worried him. He was only seventeen, what the hell could he do to escape?

Flashbacks of how he was literally dragged into that van by those way too powerful men and how he got tied up came to his mind and now he found himself in a very unfamiliar room. He started getting nervous, scratching his wrists.

He sat up on the bed, biting his lower lip. He noticed that the bed was softer than his own back at the flat and then noticed the red marks around his pale wrists. The ropes tied around them were definitely too tight to cause this.

He saw that the bed had maroon sheets over it. The walls had some type of wallpaper of a colour that seemed to be in between the shades dark purple and indigo. There wasn't much furniture except the bed, size being a bit smaller than a queen size, that had two bedside tables on each side, each with a lamp on it and only one being lit up. He saw a cupboard on the corner, across the room. There were two doors and he didn't know which one led to where.

His insides were screaming at him to run away, to find a way to escape, to save his poor life right now or he'll be sorry later on. He shuffled to the edge of the bed when the door was flung open, making Harry gasp in fright. On his first instinct, he crawled backwards until he eventually hit the head rest of the bed. His eyes were dilated in fear, his heartbeat paced up and he could already feel his forehead damping up with sweat.

He saw a dark figure at the door, who looked scary even when the face was hidden. He could easily tell it was a man, and he could easily see their built was great and Harry thought that his own weak and lanky body didn't stand a chance against the person.

When they took a step forward, Harry involuntarily hid his face in his arms, whimpering out pathetically, "Please don't hurt me."

The man took another step forward and stopped. He took in Harry's terror-stricken figure and rasped out, "When was the last time you ate?"

"W-whu-what?" Harry whimpered out.

"When was the last time you ate?" The man repeated himself firmly, his face still hidden from Harry's view.

"I-I...I don't-I don't r-remember." Harry was a stuttering mess. The man was sending him terrifying vibes and he couldn't process his brain.

The man walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him and Harry sighed in relief that he was alone again. But he was still terrified as hell that he was in, probably, a house of some unknown psycho, or more, and he has no idea what he was to do to get out of there.

He got up, looking around to find an escape, finding one window but it was of no use because it was covered by a wired net. Looks like the person had everything planned out.

He felt tears spring out of his eyes, fearing his death to be like this, with people whom he didn't know, people who kidnapped him and are probably going to murder him and leave his lifeless body somewhere away from town and population and let it rot without a care. Harry never wanted a life like this. He never wanted to end his life like this either. He had always hoped to get his life on track somehow and actually end it with being surrounded by people who love and care about him. What was happening was definitely not on the agenda.

Soon the door opened again, making Harry snap his head to it's direction and saw, probably, the same man standing there. He was still yet to see his face but he didn't dare to even think about it right now. The person took a few steps forward and Harry simultaneously took steps backwards. The man didn't stop and neither did Harry until his back was pressed against the wall. Harry slipped down on the floor, curling his body up into a ball and started trembling.

"Please don't hurt me. Please." He whimpered out again. Pathetically, again.

The man stopped two steps ahead from him and bent down, placing something on the ground that Harry never noticed he was carrying. It was a tray with a plate on it, having five toasts on it, with a small jar of, apparently, some jam and a butterknife with a bottle of water.

Harry was still trembling when he looked up to see the man for the first time. He had dark facial hair, dark hair, quite the muscle work as Harry thought before, dark eyes, dark clothes. Everything about him was dark.

"Eat up." The deep voice went through Harry's ears once again sending him shivers. The scary man got up and walked to the door, turning around at the last step to look at Harry's pitiful figure.

"We're not the ones you should be afraid of, kid. Eat up. Don't worry nothing is poisoned. Will come to check up on you later." Shutting the door and walking away, he left Harry alone with a tray of food which now was meant to be his dinner.

Harry could hear the heavy footsteps fading away but that heavy voice wasn't from his head.

And that statement filled with mystery and terror had Harry's mind spinning again. The last thing he remembers of that night was that he walked to the bed and, not being able to control his own weight, he fell onto the mattress, the food long forgotten.



Any guesses on who that mysterious man was?? We hope that you guys want to read more and if that's so then just vote and comment to let us know :) We know this chapter is way too small but the next ones are longer. x

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