Chapter 9

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Harry knocked on Louis' door after wearing on the instructed attire. He heard him getting permission so he walked in. As soon as he came in, he was met by his master and Zayn.

Zayn was wearing a black leather fitted jacket with black jeans as bottoms. His hair was in a perfect quiff, just like it was the past days. He also had a grey shirt under the jacket with formal shoes on his feet.

Louis, on the other hand, had a plain black shirt under a blue denim jeans jacket with black jeans covering his legs. He had black converse instead of formal shoes like his buddy.

Zayn's eyebrows went up after seeing Harry dressed up, but it was no surprise to him that Harry cleaned up good. Even though Zayn was straight, he admitted that Harry was one fine looking guy. What shocked him here that he was actually seeing Harry in this semi-formal clothing.

Louis on the other hand eyed the boy, up to down, taking in every curve and edge there was. He didn't know what he felt after seeing Harry dressed up in the outfit he had picked and in the hair style he had given him earlier. It felt different seeing Harry obeying his commands this time.

While he was being eyed, Harry felt immediate self conscious strike him. He felt his cheek grow warmer and he started to become ill at ease. He twitched his feet and looked at them, grabbing his hands together and biting his lip. Louis, the Sherlock of the house, noticed and something inside of him had him speak up.

"Zayn, give us a minute. Call us if they call or text or something."

"Yeah, sure." Zayn nodded and headed out the door, closing it behind himself.

Harry was still standing beside the door and looking down in submission and his uncomfortable self. He could still feel Louis' eyes burning through his skin and eating away soul. He knew it was because of hate but in reality, it was the first time Louis wasn't looking at him in disgust. It was different, not hate but neither like.

The feeling that Louis got was, somehow, a hint of sorrow. Sorrow about something. Nothing negative crept into his brain, which was a first. And that kind of surprised him as well. But he decided that it wasn't the time for anything bad as well.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "Come forward."

Harry obliged to the order. Louis had him stop and he walked to Harry, taking in his presentation openly this time. He watched that Harry's get up gave him satisfaction. So maybe it was the reason he didn't get a hateful thought about him this time, or as he thought.

"Now, onto what your job is for the night. You listen good or else." Louis warned.

"Now there are some people coming over and I don't want you to interact with anyone or take orders from anyone unless it's me or Zayn. Got it?"

Harry nodded but tried not shake his head a lot so he wouldn't mess up the hair.

"Good. Those two people will be here any minute and I want you to be at your best behaviour. Not that I expect anything different." This sort of a compliment made Harry relax a tad bit. Louis himself didn't know why he complimented Harry but he didn't feel the need to correct himself. He didn't want to correct himself for some reason.

"You'll not talk to anyone, you'll stay wherever you're told to stay and not move unless told otherwise by either us." Louis meant himself and Zayn by 'us'.

"I don't want you to talk to those asses and if they say anything, anything at all, to you behind mine's and Zayn's back then you tell us. That much clear?"

"Yes master." Harry agreed.

He was confused as to why these 'asses' were even being allowed to enter the house boundaries if they were entitled with such a name. He still didn't know who those two people were. He also felt weird seeing this side of his master. He was actually acting some what protective but Harry shrugged that thought off because he thought it was just his stupid naive mind talking again.

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