Chapter 10

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The minute Louis walked out of the door, closing it behind him, Harry started hyperventilating.

"What is he gonna do?" He immediately asked Paul.

"Don't know." Paul shrugged. Fear was written in his eyes as well.

Harry feared violence. He hated it, in fact. He didn't like the idea of a human beating up another human. He knew how Louis' anger can grow and how much he was capable of doing. He knew that if he got raged right now, he was sure to attack the other two, who also seemed to be tough, it will lead to violence eventually.

"He is not gonna fight, is he?" Tears piling up in his eyes once again.

"I don't know. You alright?" Paul seemed concerned for the curly headed boy.

"No! I'm not! I've never been in my life!" Harry erupted, ignoring the fact that Paul could easily hurt him if he gets angry. "I've been kidnapped and brought here to people who don't give a shit about me and what's next? Two new people come and ask shit about my dead mum and a dad who I know none of! They didn't stop, Zayn told them to, they weren't stopping! It was like they wanted to hurt me, and they succeeded. It h-hurt so b-bad."

Harry's voice cracked and he ended up sobbing, covering his eyes. Paul came forward and held him from his shoulders to lead him to seat. Harry sat down and Paul offered him an assuring rub on his back.

"What did they say?"

"They said... they said that I sh-should know at least s-something about my parents. And that I-I should've done s-something to f-find out about my dad. They kept on asking about him and it hurt me s-so much. I di-didn't want to talk about him. Ever. And they were p-pressuring me so much and-" Harry sobbed more, so much that he couldn't continue further. His eyes were covered by his palms while his elbows were placed on his knees. All Paul could do was rub his back.

Almost surprisingly, the door opened revealing an angry looking Louis. Harry got terrified, because he was eyeing him, and he got up from his chair. Paul, instantly, followed his actions as he saw Louis' anger in his eyes as well.

Louis closed the door behind him and walked forward, towards Harry. Harry's legs began to tremble and his body began shaking when his brain was sending alarming signals of Louis harming him again.

Louis stopped right in front of Harry and breath out through his lips. His fists were curled, which Paul noticed and understood as a sign of Louis trying to control his anger.

"Tell me, what did they talk to you about?" Louis gritted his teeth.

"Th-they... Th-they-"

"Master, they were-"

"Silence!" Louis told Paul before turning back to Harry. "Now, answer me. What did they say to you? And don't even think about lying, I never left the other side of the door."

Harry was still trembling when he gulped loudly. "They were...were ta-talking about m-my par-parents." Harry whimpered out, fearing Louis hitting him again.

"Who specifically?"

"M-my fa-father."

"And what hurt you the most out of what they asked?"

"The s-same thing." Harry sniffed.

"Why?" Louis' voice raised causing Harry to whimper again.

"I-I... I-"

"Why?" Louis raised his voice more. Paul was preparing himself to save Harry in case his master lunges himself forward to him.

"I don't know him. I've n-never known him. He was n-never in my life. I don't even r-remember seeing his f-face. It's been fi-fifteen years. I don't even know what a parent is. I've never had an-any." Harry's eyes let out more tears remembering these things because he had tried to stay away from this reality for a long time.

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