Chapter 26

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"We can also go and search for a flat for you soon. Whenever you want." Louis said.

"I would have to save an amount for the advance payment and stuff before that, you know?" Harry looked at Louis like he was really clueless kid. He had just explained to him how he had not even a penny to his name.

"I'll pay." Louis shrugged nonchalantly.

Harry's eyes widened a little. "What? No, I can't have you pay for my flat. You already said you'll pay for my education, I wouldn't be able to pay you back till forever!"

Louis just chuckled, shaking his head. "Like I said, no paying back."

Harry still looked uncertain. "I-I don't know. I cant- I -"

"You can. Come on, when's the last time someone's done something good for you?"

"That's why you're doing this all?" Louis frowned his eyes in confusion, and Harry proceeded. "To be the first one to have a heart in front of me?" He sounded hurt.

"What? No! No, of course not! I just wanted to this for you because I know you need help at it and you can't do this by yourself." Louis defended.

"So I ama charity case for you." Harry's eyes threatened to fall some tears that just piled in them. He simply hated being treated with pity.

"No, Harry. No. You're not a charity case, I swear! I do this because I- I wanna help. I just wanna help you. I swear." Louis stammered, mentally cursing himself for almost slipping the fact the he likes him. It would become completely awkward between them. Specially now that things have started to look better between them, awkwardness is something Louis doesn't want.

Harry rubs his eyes and gulps, staying silent. Louis patted Harry's back lightly. "Tomorrow we'll go flat hunting."

"I can do that myself, honestly. You don't need to get pushed into this."

Louis just rolled his eyes, "We'll go after noon to a person I know. He'll be really helpful. Be ready." He patted his back before getting, receiving a silent 'okay' from Harry.

"Hey, cheer up. You're starting a new life now, start it with a smile." Louis offered him a smile and Harry felt his cheeks heated a little and he smiled back shyly.

Louis left his room and Harry pushed himself back onto the bed, thinking of how everything might finally change for him.


"That'll be okay."



"Okay. He'll take it, Pat." Louis said.

"Very well. Let's get the papers done."

Harry signed the papers and Louis paid the house owner small (for him) amount as the advance. Shocking enough, since the boys had left the house earlier than noon, on their way to the estate agency they saw a wanted sign. Harry got the job, being quite experienced in working at the cash register. Louis was quite shocked at seeing how quickly Harry got the job but which shop owner would let go of a good worker.

On their way back, as both were sat in Louis' car, Louis asked. "Wanna grab lunch? It's time for it."

"Um... Shouldn't we get back. The others m-might be waiting."

"I'll text 'em. How 'bout we grab some lunch and take it home. We'll all eat there."

"That sounds...good, I guess."

"We'll just grab McDonald's." Louis said and took a turn to where he knew would lead to the nearest McDonald's. Harry's stomach churned at the thought of that. The last time he had McDonald's was when his grand dad was alive. That's been a long while. He had craved and saved for just one small meal from there, but the bills and rent were more important for him.

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