Chapter 12

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Zayn sighed once Louis fell asleep in not more than two minutes after crying after years. Zayn was quite shocked to see the watery eyes of his best mate after so long that it seemed unreal. He found it hard to believe that Louis had actually cried, no matter after realising how much gruesome what he did was, it was still hard to wrap his head around the fact.

Zayn slightly shut the door and literally sprinted towards Harry's room. He came into the room gasping and saw Paul had laid Harry on the bed with the blanket till over his chest, arms tugged out on each side.

"He's so cold." Paul said pitifully.

"Alright. Get a bowl of warm boiled water and a flannel. I'll see from where is he bleeding."

Paul nodded and exited the room, silently. Zayn looked at Harry's pale face and cringed lightly after noticing the marks over it. Zayn walked forward and placed a hand over Harry's lips and noted that the red mark was from the frozen blood. He repeated this with wherever he thought the blood looked like flowing.

He dragged the first aid kit towards himself and got the blanket off of Harry's petite body. He, after a bit of struggle, got Harry's shirt off. He gasped seeing the blue, black and red marks and bruises over Harry's ribs and stomach. He also noticed a bleeding bruise on Harry's abdomen.

He took out the disinfectant and soaked it into cotton before gently dabbing it on the bleeding skin. He then kept the cotton pressed on it's position with his left hand and took out the bandage from the box from the other one.

Paul came in with a bowl in his hands and a flannel draped over his shoulder. He placed on the bedside table before Zayn spoke up.

"Help me wrap this around him, yeah?"

"Okay." Paul helped in keeping Harry's limp body sat straight so Zayn could wrap the bandage around the big bruise Harry had gotten. Once tying it up properly, Paul laid Harry back on his previous position carefully.

Zayn got the flannel and dipped it in the warm water. He took it out, squeezing the extra liquid out and gently rubbing Harry's cold forehead. From the forehead, he went to the cheeks and then to the neck then to the collar bones. Delicately, he repeated this process on Harry's body to get the freezing temperature back to normal.

Paul piped in to do it while Zayn later examined the rest of the bruises on Harry's body.

"Should I...umm..." Zayn pointed on Harry's legs and Paul sighed deeply.

"I think so, yeah." He said lowly, nodding.

Zayn brought Harry's pants off and gasped silently after seeing the swelling on his thigh and the dark blue mark on his shin. He sighed sadly seeing how merciless his friend was to the helpless kid. Paul pushed the kit onto the bed, towards Zayn. He grabbed it and searched for the ointment needed to ease down Harry's swelling. He squeezed some onto his fingers from the tube and gently rubbed on the boy's thigh while Harry laid there, clueless to what was happening to him.

After aiding his injuries and bruises, Zayn continued rubbing the damp cloth over Harry's forehead. He had intrusted Paul to make some chicken soup for the boy because he predicted that he will wake up in a few. His body temperature had become normal, Zayn feeling relieved after the thermometer confirmed it to him.

"Here you go." Paul came in with the soup after getting it done. and placed it on the bedside table. Zayn had pulled a chair near the bed and let the damp flannel be placed on Harry's forehead while he was just looking at Harry's rising and falling chest.

"You need something to eat or drink? You've been here for almost two hours now. Master might also wake up soon." Paul said to the silent Zayn.

Zayn just sighed and shook his head before rubbing his eyes and temples. He felt really disappointed in himself. He remembered saying to Harry that he would do anything to protect him from Louis and he failed at it. He felt like it was all his fault that Harry was laying lifeless here. He felt really sorry for the poor boy, he wanted to set him free but he knew he couldn't. Not until the reason is fulfilled.

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