Chapter 21

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Louis sighed. "Alright. Well it all started eight years ago, when my dad was severely ill. I was fourteen, so was Leon." Louis looked up to see if Harry was okay with hearing his name. He didn't seem to react much so he continued.

"Leon was always a kid involved with bad influence. Even at that age, he would go out till late at night, sometimes wouldn't even be back till afternoon the other day. Dad knew he wouldn't turn out good. He was pretty much busy 24/7 so Leon and I were alone, never knew our mum so... yeah. Anyway after he died, he gave more than half of his business to me, that ticked Leon off. So he went away. After a year or so, we met again when he was... with- with your uncle, Joseph. Don't know why, don't know since when, but he was. He introduced me, well I didn't really need an intro, we looked quite alike. Something happened... I don't even remember... things got rough. Joseph got extremely angry at something or was he pissed, I don't remember. He saw us and well... he decided for some unknown reason to take it out on us."

Louis took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He opened them to see Harry looking at Louis quietly. His lips had a little frown on them and his eyes had pity in them. If it was somebody else, Louis would've knocked that pity right out their eyes, but it was Harry, so he didn't do anything.

"He beat us. We were fifteen, couldn't defend much- at all, for that matter. He got raged by minute and we didn't know why. He had us locked and he ra-raped Leon. Then h-he came to me. H-Halfway through m-me, the cops came. Don't know how but-"

"He was drug dealer, as I've been told. Maybe that's why." Harry interrupted.

"Y-yeah. Yeah, he was. Maybe, yeah. But I still don't know." Louis became phased. He shook his head and continued. "Anyway, so that's when everything went down. More down than it was before. Me and Leon met a few times after that, never really acted like brothers. He hated me, for not 'getting it completely' like him. You get it?"

Harry nodded, understanding.

"He wanted revenge. From anyone related to Joseph. Only one we knew about was... you. But we both thought you were his son. That's... that's why... we had you in my house-"

"For payback?" A frown came on Harry's face.

"No. No, it wasn't it. We got to know that Leon came into town after a few years now and he had found out where you live. Zayn flipped shit and strictly wanted you safe and the only way to do that was to keep you at our place so Leon wouldn't find out-"

"But y-you never wanted that?" Harry's voice was weak.

"I thought you were Joseph's son. Of course, I didn't want that." Louis whispered, looking down at his hands playing with the white bedsheet.

"Oh." Was all Harry could say before lowering his gaze.

Louis looked at Harry's laying figure on the bed from where he was sat on the chair beside the bed. Harry's face was emotionless, he wasn't even blinking, just staring at nothing. Louis knew Harry found himself completely innocent in the case, and he was, no doubt, and that might have really had given him a pang at heart by his life.

Louis was right. All Harry could think about was 'why?'. 'Why did it happen to me?', 'I was innocent!', 'I never did anything wrong enough to deserve all of this!'. And that had Harry's eyes fill up with tears again. He tried to not let any fall down, he had mastered the technique over the years. He tried to show his lip quivering or his nose flaring. He swallowed the lump in his throat silently, thinking Louis didn't see that. But Louis did.

Louis had a very keen sense sight. All he needed to do was take a glance and nothing hid from him. He saw the bob in Harry's throat and that led him to instantly move his eyes to Harry's. Harry's eyes with flooding with tears but he didn't dare let any fall. His usual shining green eyes were now misty and dull.

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