Chapter 11 (Edited)

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Mizuki's POV

"Oi!"Zoro and I hear making us look straight ahead. Only to see the other three with a lot of bags and one giant fish.

"Woah what is that?!"I asked in awe.

"Sanji went into a cooking contest and won the fish"Nami said smiley. I smiled back but frowned when the wind picked up.

"What's the plan?"Sanji asked and I shrugged bringing the wings of my glider and flew off to go after Luffy.

"Oi! Mizuki!"I hear Zoro shout from below as I hear his feet tap against the concrete, along with another pair of feet following after me as I took advantage of the strong wind by airbending.

I flew to an area seeing a big crowd surrounding a tall platform. I flew down, closing the wings of my glider.

"Ah Mizu-san"I hear Luffy and I arched my eyebrow I'm confusion. Looking around the place for him. "Up here!"

I looked up to see he's on the platform. I sweat drop at the sight of him smiling, while being in the form execution.

"What the hell are you doing?!"I shout. Using the vibrations in the earth I dodged the oncoming attack from a metal bat.

"Uh your like a fly that doesn't go away"The woman muttered and I looked her up and down with a grimace look. "I must be to pretty"

"Pfft as if Luffy once told me you were a giant old hag"I say and everyone's jaw dropped as the woman glared.

"You watch your tone with me!"She spat as I stared back unbothered.

"What are you my mother?"I asked monotonously as I had my hand to my hip.

"Oi Mizuki!"I hear Zoro shout but I was tackled into a hug by Sanji and stumbled a bit.

"Mizu-swan!"Sanji says with heart eyes. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine Sanji-kun"I say and turn to the woman. It started to rain and I smirked realizing there's water around me. I walked up to her smirking and she arched her eyebrow. "Wanna dance?"

"Sure let's fight"She says and swung her bat and I stomped my foot at the ground and rose my arms and the earth blocked her attack. "You're a devil fruit user?"

"Nope"I say smirking and she tries to hit me again and I grabbed it. She looked at me as I still had the smirk on my face. I crushed my hands using metal bending breaking her bat and tore it apart.

"You dare break my bat!"She yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Zoro, Sanji...Mizuz..."I hear Luffy making me pause. "I'm sorry"

I turned to him as he smiled widely, just as the blade was coming down to his neck.

But at the same time, I could sense a lighting bolt coming at me. I took a deep breath.

Iroh I've never done this before.

Relax and do as I taught you okay just like the waterbendimg moves I showed Zuko when he was a kid your age....well younger.

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