Chapter 22

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Thank you guys for Wait I've been so busy moving to my new house it's beautiful but I've been so tired from cleaning the other house but I've been away from wifi for a bit so sorry if I hadn't been updating. Merry Christmas readers & writers.

Mizuki's POV

Finally leaving the little garden not before almost getting eaten by a fish but was taken out by the two giants and the other one I didn't see.

We were back on the sea. As usual Sanji's flirting with all of the girls, Zoro sleeping and the two kids playing around.

I sat on the deck reading peacefully but I notice something off with our Navigator.

I noticed she has been acting strange like all sweaty and tired. But she's being more stubborn that usual.

"Here Nami"I say kneeling down with a cup of water. She lazily looked up at me and smiled a bit.

"I'm fine thanks"She said but I grabbed her and to hold the cup.

"You'll thank me later"I say walking around the corner a bit and I peeked back at her to see she took a drink. I smiled before walking away.


"Guys Nami collapsed!"We hear the princess shout frantically. I walked over to see her cheeks and for head all red.

I walked over to her and picked her up with some help from Vivi.

"Let's take her to her room"I say as we did so placing her on her bed and placed a cold cloth on her head. "We need a doctor"

"Yeah but we need to get to alabasta"Vivi said.

"Yeah I know but no one here is as good as her navigation skills"I say "So we need to see a doctor"

"I think Mizuki is right"Usopp said. I looked at Luffy who was quiet.

"Change sail and head for..."Luffy trailed off as Sanji had the map.

"What's drum island?"I asked pointing to the page.

"A snow island and I heard there's a really good doctor"Vivi said. We all shared looks and nodded as we headed for the island.

We all had decided to look after Nami as we all slept in her room in case she heats up even more.

The next day was still a cold day as we were nearly at the snowy mountains. I was given a big, black coat with fluffy ends on the hood.

I walked out of Nami's room to see other men on our ship.

"Oh look what we have here"Some random guy says giggling as I looked to see a few men with heart eyes.

"Don't you dare!"Sanji growled pushing me behind him making me smile at that. Though I wish he wasn't so perverted.

"Or what?"The one that sunk his teeth into the ship.

"My ship! You bastard!"Luffy shouted as he stretched his arms back. "Gum Gum! Bazooka!!"

Luffy knocked the man off the ship far away scaring the the rest of men that had fled screaming Devil fruit.

Usopp had a heap of wood as he went to fix the side of the ship. I walked over him and helped hand over the planks.

"Thank you"Usopp said as I smirked at him.

"No problem that Asshole is lucky Luffy knocked him off"I say making Usopp sweat drop.

I walked away after the side of the ship was fixed and we finally arrived as everyone was trying to discuss what's the haps.

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