Chapter 53

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Mizuki's POV

I stared up at the blue sky as I laid on the tanning bed shirtless only in my bra and shorts, with Robin and Nami next to me as we just chilled as everyone enjoyed their time on the new ship.

I couldn't get my mind on what that was yesterday. Ace he's in trouble, I can feel it in my gut. I told that baka to be careful.

"What do you think Mizuki?"I hear making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Huh?"I asked looking at Nami who had a sour face.

"Were you even listening?"Nami asked bitterness in her words.

"S-Sorry I've haven't had a good sleep"I say covering up what's really on my mind.

"Really how come?"Robin asked.

"I don't know something in my gut keeps bothering me"I say.

"What's bothering you Mizuki?"Nami pushed on.

"Don't worry about it or else you won't be getting any sleep trying to solve my problem"I say with a smile. "Anyways what was your question?"

"Oh u-

"Nami-chuan!, Robin-chuan!, Mizuki-chuan!"Sanji calls out as he swirls by with drinks. "Three, cool drinks  for the most beautiful women of my eyes"

"Lies"I muttered making Robin snicker as she heard me, but I smiled when Sanji gave me mine. "Thank you"

I hum satisfied at the taste of simple cola on ice. I close my eyes in happiness.

Makes me wonder how did I get this lucky in life. To be able to enjoy these moments of peace.

Peace is a strange word. It has so much meaning to it. I wish I can be like this but at the same time I don't feel at peace.

I feel like somethings wrong. I don't wanna keep thinking like this. Like loose my mind. I sighed standing up with a big stretch.

"Eh Mizuki where are you going?"Nami asked.

"To train"I say walking away to my own space closing the door. I went to the space Iceberg had made for me.

I place my staff down and take a deep breath.

I begin my training to loose the stress and thoughts that keep invading my mind.

Not only that I'm more worried for Ace. I'm just sitting around here not knowing where he is. I want to find him but how the hell am I gonna tell Luffy. That was when a knock on the door cut me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?!"I call out.

"Lunch time Mizuki-chuan!"Sanji calls. I sigh opening the door as Sanji smiled with heart eye. "I'll walk with you"

"Thanks Sanji"I say with a smile as we both walked to the kitchen to eat lunch.


Lunch was over and it was now setting to the afternoon. I sat on the bow with a smile. As the sun set across the sea. Making the sky a beautiful red, orangish yellow.

The breeze was a nice touch to the whole thing. It kind of looked like the fire nation. But either then that it felt nice to clear my mind. I feel someone fling themselves beside me. I looked to see Luffy who looked at me.

"Oh Mizu-san"Luffy says when he noticed me.

"Hi there"I say with a small smile which he returned with a wider smile. "How you liking the ship Captain?"

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