Chapter 3 (Edited)

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Mizuki's POV

"MIZU-SAN! WAKE UP!"Someone shouted making me jump with fright and I looked to see Luffy wide awake.

"Don't do that baka!"I shout at him falling on my back closing my eyes. "Why'd you call ms Mizu-san?"

"Because it's easier for me"Luffy said. "Why what wrong with that?"

"I kinda like it"I say smirking as Luffy laughed."five more minutes"

"We're all waiting on you"Luffy said.

"Huh?!"I say snapping my eyes open looking to see the others awake chilling. I huffed sitting up and redone my hair that's up to my shoulder blades.

"Alright let's go"I said through yawning. We all stood and went to the restaurant to eat some breakfast as Usopp came running inside to us us holding his bleeding arm. "Woah what's going on?! Why are you bleeding?!"

"A man that has been looking after my friend Kaya he's actually a pirate and he's planning on killing her!"Usopp shouted and our eyes widened. I stood moving my hand making the water from the sink follow. "Woah Mizuki wha-"

"Relax"I said grabbing his arm and placed the water on his wound and took a deep breath closing my eyes and opened them seeing the water glowing.

"Woah cool!"Luffy shouted. As it was done and I tossed the water back in the sink, so it went down the drain as the wound was healed.

"Where'd you learn that?"Zoro asked as I sat back down.

"The North pole"I said casually.

"Huh? North pole?"Nami asked

"Yeah back where I'm from"I said "got to learn cool and creepy techniques"

"Like what?"Zoro asked drinking his drink

"Blood bending"I said and he choked. "I'll only use it for when I'm totally pissed"

"Creepy"Nami said shivering.

"Yes I was pretty grossed out myself"I said pushing my food away from remembering when my trainer used it on me"But I'm used to it by now"

Luffy took my food and scoffed it down. I giggled at that.

"What was airbending like?"Nami asked

"It was good had to cut all contact from the world and got this glider from the monks"I said and remembered something I'll never do again in my life. "But the worse nightmare of my life I couldn't eat meat for a year"

Luffy gasped as Nami rolled her eyes smiling as Zoro chuckled

"That's the most horrible nightmare ever"Luffy said biting a chunk of meat making me laugh.

Then Usopp explained more about the man named Kuro, saying he's the captain of the cat pirates and that he's gonna kill Kaya today so he could take her and her families fortunes.

"I wanna beat some pirate ass"Luffy said and we look at him who had determination in his mind and I blinked.

"A bit straight to the point don't you think?"Nami asked and Luffy just repeated his word."Right Mizu-San"

"Aw but I wanna kick some ass too"I said pouting, making Nami sigh.

"I'm in nothing else to do"Zoro said grabbing his three swords.

"You guys are crazy"Nami said

"We were all born crazy love"I said sadistically making Nami and Usopp sweat drop. I stood up collecting my staff. We all walked outside following Usopp by our ships waiting for the pirates to arrive after making an oil barrier.

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