Chapter 57

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This chapter maybe longer I couldn't stop writing but I would pause every time but I got it done a lot earlier this time so enjoy. 🥰

Mizuki's POV

"Is that the last one?!"I hear Franky shout as we were stocking the ship up with boxes of goods.

"One more"I say carrying the last barrel up the ship and placed it down with the others. I huffed as it really took half of my energy. I suddenly had the urge to go bathroom. "I'll be right back"

Once I came back we were already finally sailing off from this place. I walked onto the deck seeing everyone doing their own thing.

"I guess I can meditate"I say walking to the crows nest instead of my own space today. Though Zoro was already up there doing weights. "Oh Zoro"

He paused turning to me.

"What?"He asked.

"Oh no I was going to meditate up here I'll go somewhere e-

"You don't have too"Zoro says continuing. I climbed up fully doing some stretches before sitting down away from him, with legs crossed with my hands in a meditation form.

Taking a deep breath as I close my eyes, all the stress and aches had slowly left my both but their was one that couldn't move on.


Something's not right, I take a deep breath and continue to calm myself.

"Does That really help?"I hear Zoro.

"Yes it's something I learned from the Air Nomads"I say. "They use it to connect to the spiritual side"

I feel him sit beside me and I peaked an eye open to see his copying me.

"What are you doing?"I asked.

"Taking your advice...not for the spiritual side though"He says.

"Whatever works"I say closing my eyes relaxing as we both sit their meditating for a whole minute.

"Not gonna lie but this is good"I hear and I smirk stretch my arms out, moving them up and back down to place each arm on the side of my knee. "This is what you do most of the time?"

"Pretty much"I say. "I can travel into the spiritual world too"


"Ah Zoro-san, Mizuki-san"I hear and I opened one eye to see Brook.

"Hi"I say. "What can we do for you?"

"Uh well I was wondering if I coul-

"No"Was all I said knowing exactly what I was gonna say, making him pause. "I am meditating right now"

"-So does that means I'll still get a glance?....."Brook ask before pausing. "Uh I don't have any eyes YOHOHOHO Skull Jokes"

I glared closing my eyes, taking a deep breath trying to relax but now I feel slightly agitated. That was when he decided to join us.

"Meditating I see, you control your mental state and reach a blank state of mind" Brook starts. "I shall accompany you both"

I don't say anything as so I can focus more but this particular skeleton is very......fidgety.

"Ah Zoro-san, I know I shouldn't be disturbing you bu-

"I don't really care"Zoro mutters as I continued to be silent.

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