Chapter 68

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I finally got around to finish it, when I had the time I added more to the update as I went. I know I said I'd update earlier next time but I had to put that aside to do my driving hours. So yeah hope you enjoy it 😁

Mizuki's POV

I stared head on at the fleets coming towards the island.

'No matter how terrible I was treated, shunned and whatnot'I thought. 'I know if I don't put an end to this it'll be no more'

My eyes closed as I prepared myself, feeling so calm in the most troublesome situation.

'Why do I feel so calm?'I thought to myself.

'You've finally gotten the respect you've longed for'Korra pitched in. 'Letting the past go, kinda but you've stepped up to what you're meant for'

I felt myself smile slightly as I felt the weight that was on my shoulders light off abit.

Turning behind me to see some of the villagers that were prepared for anything. Same to the ones in charged of the fire balls.

I nodded my head before looking out. Just in time when a ship fired a cannon.

"I don't think so~"I grinned before waterbending a giant wave to the cannonball.

The fire on it distinguished. But I was able to grab it with one hand and used earthbending to repel it back.

"WOAH! She sent it back!"I hear

"Ready the fireballs!"I shout. That was all they need to earthbend the boulders, covered in oil. Over a fire pit. Before firing them up to the ships.

My eyes darkened, before leaping off the cliff I was on. Landing on the water and used waterbending to ride the waves.

The amount of speed from the waves had me going faster then the eye.

The first ship insight I waterbend a sharp stake through the first ship.

The satisfying look of a clean cut of the ship as it split in half. The sound of screaming and shouting could be heard.

"This is just the beginning~"I clicked my tongue against my lips, full of vengefulness.

However some of the ships had already fired, sitting some of the island.

I ignored it for now a so thrust myself up onto one of the ships close by.

"Intruder!"I hear as I jumped up high enough.

Falling as I allow a strong gust of wind to pierce through the ship. Before sending another sharp stake up through the ship.

Splitting it in half as everyone was falling from either side as the ship began to sink.

Jumping onto another ship as I dodged a few bigger admirals who came after me.

Too busy with what's in front of me, that I didn't have enough time to stop the ones behind me.

"HYAH!"I hear making me look in awe to see Nina and Marima on board.

"What are you doing?"I asked in shock.

"Saving your ass that's what!"Nina says. As she used her weapon to hit other enemies.

"We simply can't allow you to take all the fun"Marima says with a dark grin. "I've waited for this day"

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