Chapter 40

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Mizuki's POV


I groaned as I started to wake up. I looked around to see I'm in the all white room.

"Thank goodness your awake!"I hear a small squeak. I slowly sit up and looked to see Chopper all bandaged up as well as myself.

"Eh what happened?"I ask him as he comes closer and hands me a cup of water which I gulped down.

"You fell unconscious from loss blood, I think your opponent had a blade in their shoe"Chopper said as he pointed to bandaged side. "Although this other one looks like it's been done awhile back"

"Another one"I mutter. I then looked at my other see it scarred from when fighting those fishmen. "At least I'm awake thanks doctor Chopper"

"You bastard saying nice words aren't gonna get you anywhere with me!"Chopper says doing his silly dance. I shook my head at that.

"Can I get up and shower then?"I asked and he nods.

I sighed as I had gone into the bathroom and showered. I feel the water heat wrap over me like a warm blanket.

My mind went to one person that felt just like this warm blanket.

"Ace I miss you"I whispered. Afterwards I got out and dressed in new clothes. It was simple and comfortable. I put my boots on and took my staff and sword.


"MIZUKI!!"Nami shouts tackling me into a hug. "I was so worried"

"Mizu-swan!"I hear as another pair grabbed me. I chuckled.

"Glad to see me too"I say as they pulled away. "How's it going?"

"Good good, Luffy kicked Enel's almighty ass"Usopp says.

"Thank god that guy is nothing but a creep"I say. "Trying to make me his wife...can you imagine that?!"

"Definitely not!"Sanji shouts in disbelief. "I'm not gonna let man marry you...but me!"

I frowned thinking of Ace. This is gonna be interesting when they find out.

"Sanji!"I whined. His attention turned to me with heart eyes.

"Yes Mizu-swan my love!"He says making me cringe on the inside.

"I'm hungry"I say with a pout.

"Don't worry I'll whip up anything for you, no need to frown"Sanji says.

"Oi get me some meat!"I hear Luffy shout.

"And booze"Zoro says as well.

"Shut up Baka!"They start to bicker.

"Cut it out!"I shout punching their head. "I'll make food myself then"

"No I got it!"Sanji says running off to the kitchen. I sighed.

"Men"I mutter as I decided to go for a walk and I had found Robin looking at a wall with some writing in a different language. "Hello"

Robin gasped abit and turned to look at me before giving me a soft smile. "Your finally awake miss Avatar"

"I am"I say with a smirk before walking to the big wall of gibberish writing. "What's that?"

"This is a Poneglyph, there's a lot of these hidden around the world that have a hidden message"Robin explains. I nod looking up at it.

"What does it say?"I asked.

"Nothing really interesting on it to tell"Robin says with a small smile. I looked to the wall beside it with similar writing.

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