Chapter 54

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(Mizuki's shadow)

Also sorry for taking a while I've been going over the thriller bark arc just so I can have knowledge. Also I've been fixing up my book and other books of mine.

Mizuki's POV

The dark, gloomy atmosphere had me on alert. This was no ordinary haunted place.

If I were normal like Usopp and Nami, I'd be freaked out. But due to my dark personality I'm used to it like Robin. She is one, cunning woman.

"I can feel a lot of presence here"I announced out loud. Which coursed some of us to jump.

"Don't scare me like that!"Nami shouts.

"You want me to lie and say no ones here?"I say folding my arms.

"Don't worry miss Navigator the worst thing that could happen, is all of us dying on the spot"Robin says making everyone shiver.

"STOP THAT!"Usopp shouts as he was now dressed If that's the word....

He had a hat over his head, with them typical goggles, a cape with garlic around his neck, with a cross in his hand.

"You're too much"I say with a giggle. He looked at me with an arched eyebrow.

"This isn't the time to be laughing!"He shouts as it just made me laugh even more.

"I'm sorry you look ridiculous"I say wiping the tears from my eye before sighing. I sigh once more.

"Mizu-san how can you be laughing right now?"Chopper asked. I looked down at him and he looked like a deer that had just been spooked. Oh wait. He is a deer.

"Hmm I don't know it's just Usopp looks funny as hell which makes me feel better""I says not noticing the amount of sweat drops. "Anyways I want to explore"

"NO!"The three trio shout.

"Yosh!"Luffy shouts all geared up.

"Stop!"They shout at him as I grinned.

"Why not just guard the ship?"I asked.

"Easy for you to say!"Usopp shouts at me but I just sigh and follow the rest as we climb on a mini Merry boat.

"Great now I'm feeling sad"I say as I pat the boat.

"Nothing to be sad about, she may be gone but she's reincarnated"Zoro says. I gave him a look.

"You have a weird imagination"I thought out loud making him glare at me. I laughed sheepishly before keeping a straight face.

But...I felt something brush against my left shoulder. I turned to Zoro who stared ahead.

"Did you tap my shoulder?"I asked curious.

"Does it look like I did?"He response making me roll my eyes. I stare ahead, I hear a shriek. "Why'd you that?"

"Eh what are you talking about?"I asked.

"STOP LYING!"He shouts accusingly.

"I'M NOT!"I shout back. "STOP ACCUSING ME!"

"You ly-

"OI STUPID MOSSHEAD!"Sanji got involved, storming towards Zoro yelling at him.

I hear a grunt of struggle. I looked to see Robin looking like she's getting strangled. Or groped.

Before I can respond I feel the same thing. My hair being brushed. My eyes harden that I was getting violated.

"I would say you have a death wish but you're already dead"I say making the violator let go with a growl. "I'm sorry but don't ever touch me again"

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