Five Fine Guys

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Bzz bzz. Bzz bzz. Bzz bzz.

I run the sleep out of my eyes and pick up my phone.

"Snapchat lucaswill-iam"

" 2 messages- 'Wifey 😘💍❤' "

'Wifey 😘💍❤' is actually just Cailey O'Conner. She's been my bestie since third grade and is now my assistant blog manager. She keeps me in check- while still pushing me to live life to the fullest- and my blog going. I don't know how I would've gotten this far without her.

I unlock my phone and open up Snapchat to see what Lucas sent me. It was a selfie of a quarter of his face and the wall behind him, which was grey and completely bare, that said "Morning gorgeous 😘". I smile, take a selfie using the filter with the gold butterflies, type "Morning! 😄" on it, and send it to him. Then, I check my messages.

"Hey boo, when are you going update your blog? 'CRAZY CAKES!' went viral but it's been three weeks! What are you going to post? It'd better be good!"

"No pressure tho lol ily 😙"

God, I love this crazy chick. And honestly, with everything going on right now, I kinda forgot all about my blog. But what am I going to write? I haven't done much since then- except....

I sit down at my desk, open my laptop, and pull up my blog- "The Life of a Blonde". I click ADD CONTENT and began my blog post.

"Five Fine Guys"
"Hey guys! Blondie here!
So, by now, you've heard of the mysterious 'Help Wanted' ad, offering to pay someone $1000 a WEEK to live with five guys, who are in their 20's, in their APARTMENT. Well, out of curiosity, I sent in my resume. And scored an INTERVIEW. Through SKYPE! And that's not all- when we Skyped, NONE OF THEM WOULD SHOW THEIR FACES! One of them had the camera angled at the CEILING, another at their CHEST, one at their SHOULDER, another at a CLOUDY SKY, and the other at a COFFEE CUP! They questioned just about everything on my resume- including whether or not Sam is my real name or just a nickname! (it's my real name, btw) After playing 'Twenty Questions' with them, one of them said 'We'll be in touch'- and they ALL exited the video chat AT THE SAME TIME! Then, about a week later, I got an email saying I got the job and to pack my crap and get ready to move in! I've only been here three days, so I'm not sure if I can reveal their identities, but they are FINE AF!!! More to come later- PROMISE.
-Love, Blondie 😘"

And done! Thank God- I'm starving.

I send Cailey a quick text to let her know I had posted on the blog.

"Done. Thx for the reminder wifey 😘"

Then, I see Lucas had replied. I check it out: another selfie of a quarter of his face, this time a view of outside his window- which was just a red brick building that I assume is across the street from him and a few trees- behind him. "I hope to see you again. Maybe we can actually hang out some time. Have a great day 😉"

I take a selfie, this time using the puppy dog filter that sticks out its tongue when you open your mouth. I put "I'd love to! And you too! 😊", then send it.

I head to the kitchen to find some food. I make myself a bowl of cereal- Cinnamon Toast Crunch- and bring it to the island in the middle of the kitchen. I pull a stool up to the island and start eating. Then, I notice how quiet the house is.

Hmm, that's weird. They should all be up by now.

I finish my cereal, put everything away, then head off to investigate. I head to the living room, but nobody is there- or in the workout side of the room. I walk down the hall to Zac's room, then knock on the door.

"Zac!" I call out. "You in there?"

No response.

I open his door, only to find an empty mess of a room behind it.

I go to Theo's room, knock, and ask if he's in there- only to get no response. Again. Then, I open his door. It's nice and neat, but also empty.

I do the same for Channing's room, then Miles's, and finally Chris's. But still, nothing. I even knock on the bathroom door, but nobody was there.

Guess I'm home alone. Oh well. Now I can do whatever I want.

I plug my phone into the surround sound stereo, put on a playlist of all of my favorite songs, and start dancing around the house. I'm still in my pj's- which consists of my maroon lacy sports bra and boxer brief set, some black short cotton shorts, a huge gray sweater with a galaxy mustache on it, and some fuzzy socks.

I dance without a care in the world, sliding into the living room- just as Theo walks into the apartment. I skid to a stop, shocked at the sight of him.

God, he's gorgeous. And that smirk on his face does not help.

"Having fun?" he chuckles, one eyebrows raised questioningly- but only making him look hotter.

I look at my socks, blushing at the thoughts of what I want to do to him right now.

"Well, don't let me stop you," he insists.

I look up to see him smirking, a mischievous look in his eyes. I look down, blushing again.

I swear it feels like he's undressing me  with his eyes, over and over again.

"I'm just here on my lunch break," he explains. "Work is pretty close to the apartment. Plus, I wanted to come check on you. You know, since you were still asleep when everybody left."

"I'm fine," I tell him quietly, still not able to meet his eyes.

"You sure about that?" he laughs, stepping closer.

He puts his hand on my arm, to comfort me, and I freeze.

"Sam," he says, concerned. "You okay?"

I finally look up at him and he smiles reassuringly at me. I smile feebly, then bite my bottom lip, trying not to say what's racing through my mind right now.

I want him soo much, but I can't say that- I barely know him. I'm not going to be that easy.

"Hello?" he shouts, waving his hand in front of my face. "Earth to Sam? You okay in there?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I apologize, shaking my head. "Just dazed out a bit. Yeah, I'm okay."

"Okay..." he says, sounding unsure, but shrugging it off. "Hey, you wanna eat lunch with me?"

"I already ate," I tell him. "But I'll sit with you while you eat."

"Cool," he grins, heading to the kitchen.

He comes back with a salad- lettuce, tomatoes, chicken, broccoli, bacon bits, croutons, and a ton of ranch. He plops down on the couch and turns the tv on, patting the spot next to him. I sit next to him as Deadpool comes on the tv. I grin and he puts his arm around me. I lean into him and he starts eating his salad.

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