1 year, 2 months after

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*A Year Later*

"Sam, please wake up," Cailey pleads, holding one of Sam's hands. "They said if you don't wake up now, you're probably never going to."

"Cailey, you can't think like that," Sandra tells her, holding Sam's other hand.

Justin is sitting on one side of Cailey and their mother is sitting on the other. On the other side of Sam's hospital bed is Sandra, Sam's mother, with Lucas on one side of her and Theo on the other. Chris, Channing, Zac, and Miles are all standing at the foot of the hospital bed, anxiously.

"Yeah, Cay," Justin agrees, rubbing Cailey's back. "You need to stay positive."

"Guys," Miles says excitedly. "I think I saw her eyelids flutter."

"Miles, now is not the time for jokes," Theo scolds.

"I'm not joking," Miles insists, pointing at Sam. "Look, her hand just twitched!"

"Ughhhh," Sam groans, not opening her eyes. "What happened?"

"You got in a car crash," Theo explains. "You've been in a coma for over a year."

"So like, Captain America with the ice?" she jokes painfully. "Only, less cool and more painful?"

"Something like that," Miles laughs.

"But who's been taking care of you guys?" Sam asks, concerned. "You guys wouldn't know how to eat if it weren't for me."

"Don't worry babygirl," Sandra assures her, smiling softly. "They've had me and Cailey picking up your slack for them."

Sam smiles faintly, yawns, and drifts back to sleep.

About an hour later, only Sandra and Theo are left in the room. Now that they know she's alive, the boys agreed to go back home- but Theo insisted on staying.

"Theo, honey, you should go home," Sandra tells him. "Get some rest. The doctors and I have got it."

Reluctantly, he agrees, and heads home to get some sleep.

About a month later, Sam is sitting up, drinking out of a cup. The doctor has okayed her release, and the boys are getting the house ready for her.

Cailey and Justin arrive at the hospital to help her get home. Cailey holds the wheelchair and Justin picks her up and sits her into it. They bring her to the car and get her settled in the passenger seat.

On the ride home, Sam grips her seat and keeps her eyes shut. The radio plays soothing music, from a cd Cailey made just for this day.

At home, Sandra has cooked all of Sam's favorites, and has a blender ready since she can only have soft foods. The boys have her room all clean and the bed has extra fluffy pillows. Everything is just how it was before, but somehow better now that Sam can come home.

Theo waits at the door for the car to pull up- and when it does, he races to help her get inside.

Sam gets in the house and the boys all greet her with warm smiles and tears in their eyes.

Three years have passed and the boys all still live together. Sandra is their new cook, who has moved into a house right across the street.

Sam still lives with them, and they still pay her to clean here and there.

Cailey lives with Sandra now, and occasionally helps.

Justin's bar is booming with business now that the boys go there to relax, and he is grateful for the boost of income.

Theo plans to marry Sam- and they've already picked the dress.

Miles has started falling for Cailey, and one day plans to do the same.

"And they all lived happily, ever, after."

The. End.

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