Wipe Out

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"'Sup, Ryan," Lucas nods, putting on a quick smile.

"Not much, man," Ryan grins, looking over at me. "So who's the babe?"

"Her name is Sam," Lucas tells him, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Well, what's a beautiful woman like you doing with a guy like Lucas?" Ryan asks me jokingly.

"Um, hopefully getting away from you," I answer sassily.

"Ouch," he laughs, clutching his chest. "That hurt."

"Anyways," I sigh, rolling my eyes and leaning in to whisper in Lucas's ear. "Babe, can we get out of here? I'm starting to get a migraine just talking to this guy."

"Sure," Lucas nods, turning to Ryan. "Sorry, man. We gotta go."

"Aw yeah," Ryan grins. "I see what's up."

"What does he think we're going to go do?" I ask Lucas after we get a good distance away.

"Honestly, there's no telling what that guy thinks we're going to go do," he admits with a sigh. "I'm sorry about him. He's not always that bad. He just has a little trouble with his brain-to-mouth filter."

"Eh," I shrug as we go to cross Madison Avenue. "I'm just glad to be getting away from there."

"Me, too," he tells me awkwardly. "Honestly, the only reason we're friends is because his mom told my mom about how she wished he had at least one friend that'd be a good influence for him. So, my mom automatically told me I have to be that friend."

"And how's that working out for ya?" I tease, grinning at kids on the playground as we pass.

"Exactly as you would think it has," he sighs sadly. "I mean, it was great at first. We even started up summer backyard football teams for the kids who couldn't afford to play actual football."

"That's soo sweet," I admire happily. "I'm sure the kids loved it."

"Yeah they did," he tells me happily. "They still do, too. Only, I got another person to help me coach it after Ryan reverted back to his old habits. But way worse."

"What habits?" I ask, concerned.

"He went back to skipping school, spray painting buildings," he explains. "I even heard rumors of him trying to sell drugs."

I could see how upset Lucas was getting and I knew I had to do something to get his mind of it all.

"Well, enough about him," I say to change the subject, grabbing his hand again as we go to cross Park Avenue. "I want to here more about you."

"Well, my full name is Lucas Elijah Williams," he tells me, trying to cheer back up as we go under a bridge and across the other Park Avenue. "I'm 18, born on August 15th, same year as you. I used live with my dad for the summer only, but now I live with full time. My mom is Theresa Adams, my dad is Stephen Williams. I get my green eyes and tan skin from my mom, and just everything else from my dad. And my actual best friend is Robert Thomas. He's only 17, though- born December 5th, 2000. He's actually the one I've got doing backyard football with me now."

"That sounds like fun. You should let me come see you guys," I suggest, making him smile.

"Definitely," he agrees, waving to a couple of kids at another playground we pass up.

"Hmm, let's make this a little more fun," I say thinking. "How about this: we each tell each other three things about ourselves, and we have to guess which two are true and which one is not."

"Two truths and a lie?" he asks.

"Yep," I nod. "I'll go first. Hmm. Let's see. Okay, my hair wasn't always blonde, I've never been on an actual date, and I'm a semi-celebrity at this bar called 'Avenue'. Go."

"First of all, only one of those sounds like it might be true," he points out.

"Two of them are true," I assure him as we cross over onto 1st Avenue. "Promise."

"Huh," he chuckles. "Well, I'm going to go with 'you're a semi-celebrity at a bar called 'Avenue'' because I can't believe that or the 'you've never been on an actual date'- but that can be taken differently and believable. So, am I right?"

"Nope," I giggle. "My hair has always been blonde. I've never dyed it or anything."

"Wait a minute," he says, shocked. "So you mean to tell me you've never been on an actual date and you're a semi-celebrity at a bar called 'Avenue'? Really?"

"Yep," I chirp. "Now, your turn."

"Oh gosh," he laughs, running his hand through his short hair. "I don't know. Well, um, I've never kissed a girl, I've never lived in one place longer than eight months, and I'm afraid of clowns and spiders."

"Well, I can believe the last one because there are people like that," I mumble, trying to figure it out. "And the second one because that was how it was for Cailey and her brother before he got his own business. So, I think the first one's a lie."

"Nope," he admits quietly.

"Seriously? You've never kissed a girl?" I almost yell, then quickly quiet down when he starts looking embarrassed. "Well, which one was the lie?"

"The 'I'm afraid of clowns and spiders'," he laughs.

"Psh, I should've figured," I say disappointed. "But I can NOT believe you've never kissed a girl."

"Well, I can't believe you've never been on an actual date," he points out.

"I haven't," I tell him. "Whenever I'd do something with any guy, they'd say 'we're just hanging' or 'chilling'. It was never an actual date."

"Oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense now," he nods. "But yeah, I've never kissed a girl. I mean, there were a few times I was going to, but there was always something that got in the way. Sometimes literally."

"That sucks," I sigh as we arrive at the park and cut past the basketball courts.

"You know, we could change that right now," he suggests playfully, laughing when I swat his arm. "Kidding, kidding."

"Wow," I say, stopping at the fence around the skating area of the park. "This place isn't as crowded as you'd expect from a place that's soo popular online."

Inside the fence, there are maybe ten or fifteen people- total. And maybe a handful of them even look our age.

Oh joy. Playing with children. Woo.

"Eh," he shrugs, going inside the fence and holding open the gate for me. "That just means there's more room for us."

I go in and he shuts the gate behind me. I immediately go to the edge of the bowl. I put my skateboard halfway on the edge, put one foot on the back, then ease the other on the front, slowly letting gravity pull me down into the bowl. I kick the ground hard at the bottom, pushing myself up the other side fast. I come up and do a kick flip back out of the bowl.

"Nice," he admires before he attempts to do the same.

He gets pretty close to making it up the other side, but didn't kick off of the ground enough. His board starts sliding back down the side and he wipes out. Hard.

"Lucas!" I yell, full of concern, putting my board down.

I slide down into the bowl, attracting the attention of everyone there. I kneel beside him, holding onto his arm as he tries to sit up.

"Lucas, are you okay? Are you hurt? Did you hit your head?" I ramble on, worried.

"Sam, I'm okay," he chuckles, smiling at me reassuringly. "Trust me- the only thing that got hurt was my pride. Well, and my butt."

"Come on," I laugh, almost pulling him up. "Let's get you out of this bowl."

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