In The Moment

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I kick the skateboard, hard, and it rolls all the way up the side of the bowl and over the edge. Then, with Lucas's help, I climb out of the bowl. I reach my hand down to help Lucas up, and he takes it. He steps up as I pull- but still comes up before I can get out of his way, butting foreheads with me.

"Ouch," we both cry out at the same time, laughing, forehead to forehead.

After a moment, he lifts his head up some, to where our noses are about an inch away.

"Oh, here," I offer awkwardly, moving out of his way.

"Uh, okay," he says, almost sounding disappointed.

Wait- was he about to kiss me or something? Crap! I'm such an idiot!

"So," he sighs, after pulling himself out of the bowl and standing up. "I think I'm going to sit out for a while after that. But you can keep skateboarding. I mean, if you want to, of course."

"Oh, um, okay," I almost stutter awkwardly, grabbing my board.

I go to the edge of the bowl, then skate down, carving my way along the length of the bowl before ollie-ing out of the bowl on the other side of the bowl. Then, being the show off I am, I tic tac the board back over to where Lucas is sitting and watching in awe.

"Ta dah!" I announce as I come to a stop in front of him.

"Sick tricks," he nods, impressed. "Think you could teach me that last one?"

"An ollie?" I ask.

"No," he laughs. "That thing you just did coming over here."

"Oh, the tic tac! Well, you put both feet on the board," I begin to explain, showing him as I speak. "One at the front, one at the back. You put most of your weight at the back and use your front foot at kinda steer the board to the left. Then to the right. And you keep going as the board picks up speed. Now, you try."

He tries to tic tac his board along, but it takes him about three tries before he actually gets it.

"You got it!" I tell him excitedly. "That was almost perfect!"

"Thanks," he says, completely nonchalant. "Think you could teach me any more tricks?"

"Sure," I smile.

I spend the next couple of hours teaching him all kinds of tricks. I taught him the caballerial, fakie, hardflip, heelflip, inward heelflip, varial heelflip, kick flip, varial kick flip, no comply 180, and even the nollie. We went over them all multiple times, doing it again and again until he got them all down.

"It's getting pretty late," he points out. "We should start heading home before it gets to be too dark to see."

"Okay," I pout, grabbing my board.

We cut around the basketball courts again and leave the park. Then, since there isn't very much traffic, skateboard on the roads back home. As we turn on 104th Street, Lucas reaches for my hand. We skateboard like that all the way back. Neither of us say a word on the way, but it's not awkward at all.

We skateboard peacefully all the way down to the New York City Museum, where the traffic begins to pick up. Luckily for us, there aren't many people on the sidewalks along 5th Avenue. So, we skateboard on the sidewalks to my apartment, still swinging our hands between us.

We get to my apartment and I see that all of the boys are already home.

"Thanks for an amazing time Lucas," I tell him, stopping my skateboard right at his truck. "It was really fun and I hope we can do something like this again."

"Anytime, doll face," he says sweetly, stopping his skateboard right next to mine.

"Definitely," I agree, taking a step towards him.

He steps closer to me and leans in, putting his hands on my waist and his thumbs through my belt loops. I lean in, closing my eyes as he kisses me, slowly yet passionately. He pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. I put my arms around his neck, running my hands through his hair as the kiss gets more fierce and passionate. He wraps his arms around my waist and is about to push me against his truck when someone coughs- loudly.

We almost jump back from each other, and I turn around to see someone in a dark grey hoodie, blue jeans, sunglasses, and a ball cap.

"You done trying to swallow each others' tongues?" an angry Brittish voice almost growls.

Theo. Shit.

"Sam, do you know him?" Lucas asks, pushing me behind him protectively.

"Yeah, he's one of the guys I share the apartment with," I laugh, stepping from behind him. "Theodore, would you mind giving us a minute? I'll be right up, promise."

He huffs through his nose angrily, but turns around and goes inside.

"Now, where were we?" I ask sweetly, turning back to Lucas.

He sticks his thumbs through my belt loops and pulls me close. I stumble and almost fall into him, giggling. He kisses me again, more passionately and a bit rougher than the last time. I grab a handful of his hair, practically moaning into the kiss. He spins me around and pushes me against his truck, kissing me more fiercely and roughly.

I know I promised Theo I'd be right up, but I don't think I ever want to leave this moment.

"I should probably go back to the apartment," I point out, basically gasping for air, just as his hands began to wander up my shirt.

"Yeah, good point," he agrees, sighing disappointedly.

I head up the stairs to the apartment as he gets into his truck. I get to the door, then turn to see him still sitting there, in his truck. I wave goodbye and he waves back, not leaving til I go inside.

He's such a gentleman.

I smile to myself, leaning against the door- until I notice the boys staring at me. They're all in the living room, sitting side by side on the couches, and facing me- and all looking pissed. Except for Chris, who looks at me expectantly.

"Well?" Chris says, waiting patiently.

"Well what?" I ask, confused.

"Well, how was your date?" he explains.

"Oh, right. My, uh, date," I stutter awkwardly. "It, uh, it was, well- it was really nice. He was super sweet and I had a great time."

"I'm soo glad," Theo tells me sarcastically. "So, when can we meet the boy?"

"Uh, never," I snap.

"Why not?" Zac asks. "Is he not a keeper or something?"

"Oh, he's a keeper," I assure him. "Which is why you guys will not be meeting him."

"But that's what you're supposed to do if he's a keeper," Miles points out. "You're suppsed to introduce him to your peoples."

"Yeah, exactly," Channing agrees.

"Oh I'll introduce him to my people," I tell them. "Just not you guys. You'll just scare him away- and I do not want that. I mean, Chris went full force dad-mode on him!"

"Wait- seriously?" Zac laughs.

"Seriously," I complain. "He was all 'Now you kids have fun. And you, mister, treat her right and have her back before midnight'. It was soo embarrassing- and that's just the part that I was in here to see!"

"So, there's more that happened that you don't know about?" Miles chuckles.

"Yeah, I mean," I start, rambling. "I walk in to see what Chris thought of my outfit- and he was sitting there, on the couch, right next to Chris! I had no clue how long he had been there, what all Chris told him, and I almost panicked!"

"That's great," Theo says, laughing.

"Yeah, props to you, Chris," Channing laughs, giving Chris a fist bump.

"Ugh," I groan, annoyed. "You guys are the worst- this is exactly why you guys are not going to be meeting Lucas."

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