No Worries

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We head in, and Cailey and I are immediately recognized, per usual. We're kind of like celebrities here, even though we're not famous. We come here all the time, and we've stayed through all kinds of changes. Others have come and gone, but we're some of the ones that have been here since the beginning and haven't left once.

"HEY YOU GUYS!" someone shouts, Goonies style, over the music.

The music stops and everyone turns to the man that shouted- Bobby Boy.

Bobby Boy is the nickname we gave to Avenue's most loyal customer, Robert Cornelius Boyd, one of the others who have been here since the beginning. He drinks the most, sings the loudest, and parties the hardest. He's everyone's favorite- but nobody will ever admit it. Sometimes he crosses boundaries, but he'll immediately stop if you say something.

"THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED!" he informs everybody, yelling it as loud as he did when the music was still playing. "What is up, Blondie? Brownie?"

"Ay! Bobby Boy, I am doing fan-fucking-tastic!" I say with a laugh. "But, Brownie, I have a question."

"And what's that, Blondie?" Cailey smirks, even though she knows what I'm going to ask.

"Now, if the party has arrived," I start, pausing for effect. "Where's our music?"

"I don't know, Blondie," she answers. "Ay, yo, DJ?"

The "dj", Jason- who's actually just a bartender, but is the only one who knows how to work the surround sound stereo- looks up at us from behind the bar.

"TURN IT UP!" we both yell.

He nods, then presses a couple of buttons. Suddenly, Yeah by Usher with Lil Jon and Ludacris comes on, full blast, and everyone starts dancing.

"Dang," Brittney admires. "They really are Blondie and Brownie."

"You thought we weren't?" I ask, surprised.

"Well, yeah," she admits. "But can you blame me?"

"Guess not," I shrug.

I make my way over to the bar, and they all follow.

"Ay! J-Sonny," Cailey says to Jason, laughing when he rolls his eyes at the God awful nickname she gave him. "Where's Justin?"

"He just went upstairs to take care of Jen," he tells her, shaking his head. "I swear, she knows she can only handle one or two drinks- yet she insists on going shot-for-shot with all the big boys."

Jen, Jennifer Jackson, the resident lightweight slut of our bar. She's also one of the ones who have been here since the beginning. She's been with almost every one of the single guys that have ever come here, and even some of the married ones. She gets drunk way too easily, but doesn't let that stop her from drinking even more.

"Why don't you just cut her off when you know she's had enough?" Theo suggests.

"Yeah, right," I smirk. "And deal with what happens when you tell the Princess 'no'? Ha! I wouldn't want to be in that person's shoes... Hey, remember what happened when I told her she probably shouldn't drink that vodka and tequila mix?"

"Oh my GOD, yes," she laughs. "That was a nightmare! I had never seen soo many guys trying to separate two tiny girls!"

"Bitch shouldn't have swung at me," I tell her defensively.

"Wait," Brittney says. "Somebody mixed vodka- with tequila?!"

"You've never heard of vodquila?" Jason asks, turning around and going through the alcohol selection behind the bar. "Hold on- I think we've a bottle around here somewhere."

"But I was soo mad when they pulled us apart," I complain, getting back to our conversation. "It was right after her fist made contact- I didn't even get a chance to hit her back!"

"Cause you would've knocked her out with that one shot," a familiar voice explains.

We turn to see a tall, skinny brown-haired guy- who obviously hadn't shaved or gotten a hair cut in a while.


He was wearing a white button up, an unbuttoned navy tux jacket, dark blue jeans, and navy converse.

Not gonna lie, besides the unkept hair and unshaved face, he looks like he's been doing great and taking care of himself. Seeing him looking this good really made me proud of him, even though he's not really my big brother.

"I mean, seriously, Sam," he chuckles. "Do you know how much trouble this bar would've been in? How much I'd have to do to get us out of that trouble?"

"Okay, dad," I joke, rolling my eyes. "I understand."

"Good, now go and think about what you've done," he teases, walking over.

He kisses Cailey on the forehead and she pulls him in for a hug. He laughs and hugs her back tightly. Then, he kisses me on my cheek. I glance at Brittney, then Theo.

Is it just me, or does he look really pissed right now? He almost looks like he's....


No, he's not jealous- why would he be jealous? What in the world would Theo James have to be jealous about?

Shaking the thought out of my head, I change the subject.

"Justin," I say, grinning. "How ya been?"

"Well, I just finished holding Jennifer's hair back while she puked her brains out in the guest bathroom toilet," he chuckles. "But other than that, I've been doing great."

"Ew," I giggle.

"How's the dynamic duo been?" he asks, looking at me but nodding slightly at Cailey.

"Well, we're almost to our goal for the summer trip," I tell him excitedly. "And I got that job I was talking about."

"Ah, yes, the mystery job," he remembers. "So what exactly is it?"

"Oh, uh, just in-home housekeeping," I explain vaguely. "But the pay is great, so that's good."

"That's fantastic!" he grins. "So, you gonna go back to college? You know, so you can follow your dream?"

"Eh, maybe," I shrug.

"What about you, Cay?" he inquires. "How's your dream coming along?"

"Oh, you know," she says quietly.

"It's not coming along, is it?" he asks bluntly. "Is it because of mom? Cause you know what I told y-"

"I know, I know," she interupts, waving him off. "But, let's not worry about it- didn't we come here to have fun?"

"J-LO!" Pit Bull shouts on the stereo.

"Hell yeah we did," I agree, grinning. "And you know what we do here!"

I stand up on the bar.

"It's a new generation," I sing, holding my hand out to Cailey.

"Of party people," she sings, grinning and taking my hand.

She steps up on the bar and Jason hands us each a mic. We dance on the bar and sing along to the song, goofing off without a care in the world.

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