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I go back, remembering that day....

I had just heard that my father had started dating this new girl, not even a two weeks after he and my mother divorced and she and I moved out. Furious, I drove all the way to our old house, where he was still living.

I pull up, but there's a moving truck in the driveway, so I park on side of the road. Tom and his new girlfriend are outside, moving boxes of her stuff in. I walk right up to him, not even looking in her direction.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell in his face.

"Um, excuse me," she snaps. "Who the hell are you?"

"His daughter," I say, rolling my eyes at her. "Now fuck off, cause I am not in the mood to deal with you."

"Sam!" he scolds as she gasps. "What has gotten into you?"

"Oh, don't you dare start that bullshit," I warn, turning on my heel to face him, pointing at him. "You know exactly why I'm here. Now, you better start talking- cause I want to know why the hell you're moving this bitch into our house, not even two weeks after divorcing mom and kicking us out!"

"Divorce?" she repeats. "Thomas, honey, what is she talking about? And why didn't you tell me you had a daughter?"

"What did you just say?" I ask before he can say anything.

"Sam, I can explain," he starts.

"No," I tell him, turning to her. "What did you just say?"

"I- I," she stutters quietly, not knowing whether she should say anything. "I said 'Thomas, honey, what is she talking about? And why didn't you tell me you had a daughter?'?"

"So you didn't know that he's been married to my mom for the past seventeen years?" I grill her, stepping towards her as I do. "Or that he's got a sisteen year old daughter? With that woman?"

"Sam, leave her alone," he demands.

I look at where I am. I've stepped towards her and she's backed away from me soo much, her back is against the moving truck and I'm inches away from her face.

"So you didn't know any of that?" I repeat, taking a few steps back.

"No, I didn't know," she admits. "But he's divorced now, right? So it's okay, right?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I shout, exasperated. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?"

"Sam, I think you need to leave," he tells me calmly.

"No," I refuse. "I think you need to start talking. Were you cheating on mom? And why didn't you tell her about me?"

"Sam, it's time for you to go," he says, reaching for my arm, which I quickly pull away from him.

"Don't touch me," I order. "I'm not leaving here until you answer me. Were you cheating on mom? And why didn't you tell her about me?"

"You know what?" he cries out, frustrated. "Yes, I was cheating on your mother! And I didn't tell her about you because I didn't want her to know! Okay? There, I said it! Happy now?"

"Thomas," a voice gasps. "Is that true?"

We all spin around to see my mother standing there, mouth agape.

"Sandra, I didn't," he starts. "I didn't know you were standing there. What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for Sam," she explains softly, obviously trying to keep her composure. "She wasn't at the O'Connors' house, so I figured she'd come here."

"Well, you found her," he announces awkwardly.

"Thomas, is what you told Sam true?" she asks. "Did you really cheat on me? And don't you dare lie to me."

"Yes," he confesses. "And before you ask, it's been going on for about eight months now."

"I should've known," mom mutters. "You've never liked your coworkers. Why would you suddenly start going out for drinks or to hang with them?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snap, shoving my finger in his face. "You two were soo happy together! What- was a happy, stable relationship too boring for you? Why'd you have to go and fuck up my life? Why do you only think about yourself?"

"Sam, sweetie," he starts softly, reaching out for me.

"I swear on every fucking thing in the Goddamned world, if you try to touch me again, you're going to fuckkng regret it," I threaten, stepping away from him.

"Sam, baby girl," mom sighs. "I think we should go."

"I've got a few things I've got to take home- why don't you go ahead and head home?" I suggest to her. "Besides, I'm not going straight home after this."

Knowing she's not going to be able to get me to leave unless she drags me- and even then, she can't make me drive my truck home and drive her own car home- she shrugs and leaves. I turn back to my dad.

"Now that the only one I'll ever listen to again is gone," I smirk, clapping my hands together. "I've got another thing I need to know. Why didn't you want her to know about me? Were you ashamed of me? Or did you think she wouldn't want to be with you if I was in the picture?"

"Look, Sam," he sighs. "I didn't tell her because I didn't know how she'd react. And then she told me that she didn't want kids- but by that time, I was already planning to divorce your mother and-"

"And you figured once you divorced mom, I'd be out of the picture so it wouldn't matter," I assume, my hands in fists, my whole body shaking in anger. "Huh? Is that what it was?"

He doesn't say anything, but his guilty silence answers my question for him.

"Huh," I laugh, causing him and his wife to look at me nervously and hold their breaths. "So, one last question. What's your name, miss?"

"J- Ju- Julia?" she tells me, sounding more like a question than an answer. "Julia Nel- Nelson...."

"Well, J Ju- Julia Nel- Nelson," I mock sarcastically. "I hope you and Tom here have a nice life. No. No I don't. I really don't. But, I'm going to let karma sort this bitch out. So, have whatever life karma thinks you two deserve, and I guess I'll respect karma's decision."

I start to head back to my car and I hear them sigh, relieved. Then I stop and turn around on my heel, slowly. They tense up when they see me turn.

"Before I leave," I start, talking sweetly. "C- can I get a few of my things that I left here?"

They both look at each other, surprised. Then, Julia shrugs. Tom looks at me, then nods, gesturing to the front door. I smile, then walk inside.

I head to my room, moving straight for the closet. I reach up for the top shelf, then grab a big black box. It was full of pictures I had saved from over the years. It was the only thing I had left. I had hoped he'd see it, look through it, remember all of the good times, and want to bring our family back together.

Dumbass. That crap only works in the movies.

I put the box in the passenger seat of my truck. Then, I look back at them, waving at me nervously and smirk. I get in my car, flip Tom the bird, and zoom out of there. I go home, not saying a word to mom, and grab everything in my room that makes me think of him. I shove it all in my truck and drive straight to Cailey's house.

That night, Cailey and I went through those picture and took out every one that had him in it. We threw them, and everything I had put in my truck, in their makeshift fire pit. Then, we set it all on fire, watching it burn.

Unfortunately, Cailey's mom, full of concern, called my mother and informed her of what we did. The next morning, my mother called and informed me that I would be going to a therapist until further notice.

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