4.The Boss

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The boss sat behind his desk. I quickly glanced at him. He had short hair, but it wasn't anywhere near as short as Hudson's, so you could make out the light brown color. His eyes were bluish green and they held a serious expression that wasn't fake like Margret's. I plopped into the chair opposite him and propped my feet up on his desk.

"Hope you enjoy the gift, Mark" I said sliding him the hard drive disk.

"For the last time Bunny-" Mark begun to chastise me.

"If you don't want people using your name, then don't make it so easy to figure it out" I interrupted.

"Here it is, the hard drive. It was easy to retrieve considering how important it is" I commented getting the conversation back on track.

"How easy?" Mark asked.

"The alarm system was low tech. The agents guarding it didn't notice me go into the room. By the time the guards did notice me, I just had to jump off a building to avoid them. It was way too easy to steal a car to drive around their agency in. Also, their wall security is way worse then ours. I just waltzed right in and jumped it on the way out" I explained.

"And that's just the bare minimum of what was wrong with their security" I added.

"I get the point. Security system aside, you got the hard drive and it was right where intel said it would be" Mark commented grabbing it off his desk. He put the hard drive into an old fashioned computer that he happened to have sitting on his desk instead of a laptop.

I kept trying to get him to update all the technology that we used, but it never worked. I had gotten most of the equipment changed at least. However, the computers everyone used were still clunky desktop computers that glitched every five seconds.

"If you'd update everything then you wouldn't have to send agents out to retrieve information if it's ever stolen. You can get it all back from the comfort of your desk" I complained.

He said nothing and started to pull up files on the computer. It was taking forever, but that's what he got for being so out of date.

"All of the information is here" he finally said.

"Of course it is. They're even more low tech then us and probably don't know how to wipe a hard drive" I commented.

"Still, a hard drive? We couldn't even use a flash drive? It's not even a current version. This looks like it's from the 1960s when hard drives were still a new concept. I also can't believe that they didn't bother to transfer a copy of the information to their own system instead of leaving it on the hard drive. I hacked their network just to check, but there's virtually nothing on there. I don't get how either of our agencies are running" I complained.

"You hacked into their network, but you still want us to switch to a relying on a server for storing information? If you can break into their network, then can't they easily get into ours?" Mark questioned.

"No, ours would be a lot harder to hack, because it's already a fairly secure network. We also have a ton of people working in intel who know way too much about computers. Then there's me and I also know way too much about coding and hacking and such. Together using the already existent server and network, we could easily strengthen the security and make it virtually impossible to hack" I said.

"You aren't going to give up on this, are you?" Mark asked already knowing my answer.

"Nope. I want a challenge and updating old fashioned computer software seems like a good place to start. Plus, the network and the server have barely been changed since I hacked into them for the first time" I said.

"If you really want a challenge you should join a team" Mark suggested.

"Never in a million years. So are you going to let me do it or do I have to keep bothering you till you let me do it?" I asked.

"Is there a third option?" Mark sighed. I just stared at him. He looked at the old computer on his desk and sighed again.

"Fine. You can improve all our technology" He finally agreed.

"Finally. I was wondering if I'd have to use my rank for once" I sighed in relief.

"Now back to the reason you're here. This is yet another mission that you've successfully completed. I still say you need something more challenging because you're either getting too good or the other agencies are getting lazy" Mark said.

"It was child's play. Stealing candy from a baby. Once again, I refuse to join a team" I stated.

"I know. Alright you can go. Have the new network up and running by tomorrow" he called after me.

"See you Mark" I called, running away before he realized what had happened.

Author's Note

Hey everyone! So, I've given myself a headache trying to figure out how computers work and I'm sure I still messed up. It'll only get worse 'cause soon Bunny will be fixing the network, so I'll have to look up more computer terms and hope for the best. I'm not looking forward to that. Anyways, please comment and vote! Till next time

P.S. Panda research is a lot better then computer research

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