15.The Twins

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I stopped by the twins' school and pulled both of them out of school since they refused to go anywhere without each other. "Doing okay, Tyler?" I asked him as he practically fell into the backseat of the car. "He'll be fine" my sister said as she slid in beside him. "In that case buckle up and let's get you guys home" I said. I made sure they were both wearing seatbelts before driving off towards our house.

"I'll have to drop you guys off and leave. Will you be okay on your own?" I asked them. "Again?" my sister asked. It was common for me to leave and go to the agency almost every day except for the ones I took off. However there were times when I left early even if it was during school hours and Izzy would have to watch the twins earlier then expected. Unfortunately I couldn't pull her out of school or get her to ditch, so the twins were left alone. I hardly ever left them fully alone, but being left with Izzy was a common occurrence. "I know, but I have to keep this job" I told her. She sighed and nodded in agreement. "Without your job we'd actually have to rely on aunt and we all know how that'd go" she said with a frown.

"Hey cheer up. We have each other and we don't need anyone else. The only thing she's good for is being our legal guardian until I'm old enough to take over" I told her. "She's definitely no guardian" Taylor said absentmindedly tracing a scar on the palm of her hand. "No she's not" I said knowing that if she was home there was no way I would leave the twins there alone. However, I already knew that she had gone out to some random casino with some other lowlife scum and wouldn't be home till late.

"So, anything interesting happen?" I asked them trying to change the topic. Tyler groaned in response. "My lunch had hair in it" my sister commented. It seemed they also wanted to move onto a more lighthearted topic. "Cafeteria food?" I asked her. "Since we had to stay at Izzy's and she doesn't make us lunch for school, cafeteria food was the only option" she said. "It gets better, for the most part" I told her. "I think I'm going to be sick" Tyler suddenly said and I quickly pulled over to the side of the road.

Before he could puke, I pulled out a plastic bag and handed it to him. As soon as it was in his hands, he threw up. "I'm missing school and cheer for this" my sister complained even as she slowly rubbed circles on Tyler's back. "He's missing school, flag football, and is currently puking his guts out" I reminded her. "Why'd you have to be more pitiful than me?" She complained. "Sorry Taylor" he said once he stopped puking only to start again moments later. "We're a couple minutes from home so hang in there" I said as I pulled back out onto the road.


"Alright remember if anything happens call Izzy" I told them. "And if Izzy can't be reached call your cell" Taylor finished. "We've heard it a million times. There's no need to repeat it again" she complained. "You can't blame me for worrying" I told her. "I can when you repeat the same sentence five times" she said rolling her eyes. "Still can't blame me. It's the job of the older sibling to annoy you to pieces and to worrying about you all the time" I replied.

"No the younger siblings are the annoying ones and the older is the one that hates them" Taylor corrected me. "I don't hate you guys but you definitely are annoying so halfway there" I teased her. "I would take offense, but I walked into that" she admitted. "That is why I'm the older one. I'm wiser" I stated. "Are we really sure you're the older one?" She asked me. "I'm the only one in this car that's able to drive" I said. "Not true. Tyler could drive if he wasn't busy vomiting" Taylor argued. "But it wouldn't be legal" I countered.

"Are we almost home?" Tyler groaned out before throwing his head back inside the bag. "When I said a few minutes I forgot about the construction happening" I admitted. "It may be closer to another half hour" I told him. He let out a groan and unrolled his window. I watched as Taylor had to drag him back into the car after he attempted to throw himself out of it. I thought girls were supposed to be the drama queens.


We finally reached home and I lead Tyler upstairs after checking that the house was deserted. "Aunt won't be home until late. I'll have Izzy stop by to check on you guys after school. Will you be okay on your own I asked the two. "Yes. Stop worrying. You already told us everything in the car" Taylor complained as Tyler crawled his way into bed. "Alright. Taylor be sure to take care of Tyler. If he gets worse call me and I'll come rushing back" I told her. "Understood" she said as she glanced over at him. He had already fallen into a fitful sleep. "Do your homework while you're at it and talk to your teachers about anything you may have missed today" I reminded her. "Are you our older sister or our mom?" She asked me. "I just worry" I told her. "Stop worrying and go. We both know your job is what keeps us from living in an orphanage or on the streets" Taylor reminded me. I sighed and then nodded. "Be sure to call" I yelled as I started to walk back towards the front door. "Bye" Taylor yelled back. "Bye guys. I love you. Make sure Tyler rests" I called out. "Stop worrying and go!" Taylor yelled.

I finally left the house and made sure to lock the door behind me. I jumped back in my car that now smelled slightly like puke and I started driving towards the agency making sure to unroll the windows in an attempt to get the smell out.

Author's Note
Hey everyone! Sorry about not uploading last month. Anyways I doubt anyone knows this but exactly a year ago from this day I decided to upload my first story onto Wattpad. Without that story I would have never managed to click the publish button on this story. So, to celebrate my first story, and to make up for not uploading last month, I'll be uploading for the next six days including today on both of my ongoing stories. That's twelve uploads total. One for every month that I've written on Wattpad. I'll probably regret this by the end of the week. Well, thanks for sticking with me everyone. Please vote and comment. Till next time

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