5.Agent Egomaniac

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I was on the main floor once again and everyone was staring at me. I looked again and realized that they weren't staring at me, but next to me.

"Hello agent self absorbed" I greeted not looking over at him.

"Agent Bunny" he replied.

"What are you doing here Dylan?" I asked.

"What does everyone say about you using their real name?" Dylan asked.

"Fine. You here to see your dad, agent conceited?" I asked.

"No. I dropped by because I heard the ray of sunshine known as agent Bunny was here" Dylan joked.

"Funny" I dryly said.

"What's with the new uniform?" He asked.

"I got sick of the old one. It was too...colorful" I finally said.

"It was bright" Dylan agreed.

"So are you here to torment me? Because I hate to break it to you, but I still have a lot to do here" I said.

"Then I'll help" Dylan offered.

"Do you know anything about mainframes, firewalls, viruses, etcetera?" I asked. He said nothing. I had my answer.

I walked away heading outside and towards a tech lover's playground. Also known as the intelligence building. Also known as intel's office. Also known as a lot of other stuff.

Before I could get outside, I felt my wig being pulled off my head, only to reveal another wig that was just as weird as the first.

"Nice try, Dylan" I finally said turning to look at him. I looked him over. Same dark blond hair that looked effortlessly perfect. His dark blue eyes still reminded me of the ocean. He was way taller then me, which could be very annoying. He also had a bruise on his face from the last fight he got into at our high school.

Yes, our high school. Not only was I a high schooler, but I went to school with agent vain. We were some of the only high schoolers in the agency. In total, three of us out of over a thousand agents were in high school. The other high schooler was Dylan's best friend. The only one in the agency who knows that I'm in high school is Mark.

Everyone else assumes I was in high school when I joined and graduated high school a few years back. In reality, I joined in middle school. I was the first and only middle schooler to join the agency. Even Dylan and his friend were in high school when they joined. Also, no one suspects that I'm still the youngest in the agency at a grade lower then Dylan, who was a senior.

"Another fight?" I asked.

"I did win" Dylan defended himself.

"You'd better have won. You're one of the top ranked agents. If you lost to a high schooler, then our agency has way more problems then an outdated computer system" I ranted.

"Are you sure you don't need help with your mystery project?" Dylan asked trying to change the topic.

I let it slide this time and said "You can help, but only because you won't stop asking."

"That's not true" Dylan argued.

"You've asked twice in the last five minutes" I pointed out. He said nothing. I laughed and kept walking towards intel's building.

Author's Note

Hey everyone! Sorry, not only is this part around two weeks late, but it's also shorter than the others. Guess what though, to make up for being late and not writing much, I'm going to post two parts today, hopefully. The next one is called a really long, head ache inducing way to make up for a short part. Kidding, it's really called Intel's Building. Hope you like it and remember that I don't know much about computers. So, this part was just to introduce Dylan and throw Bunny's age in there. A junior in high school. Did anyone think she was that young? Also, any guess to what Dylan's code name really is? I'll give you a hint, it's not conceited or self absorbed. Anyways, please comment and vote. Thanks

P.S. Pandas and technology are two very different things. I know pandas, but I don't know technology

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