13.Izzy Simmons

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I ran through the school and slide into my seat right as the bell rang. As soon as I did so, a folded up piece of paper landed on my desk. I already knew exactly who it was from. I opened up the note and read it.
"Might want to fix your uniform and aren't you cutting it a bit close, Taylors?" I quietly read under my breath.

I checked my uniform and saw that I had left my shirt partially unbuttoned, my sleeves weren't rolled up, I was wearing a hat, and I had forgotten the left half of my stockings. I quickly rolled up my sleeves so they were neat and buttoned up my shirt. I saw the door start to open as My best friend and the note writer, Izzy Simmons, tossed my an extra stocking. I took off my shoes, put it on, and put my shoe back on. I sat with my hands folded and my back straight as the teacher entered the classroom.

"Nice try Miss Taylors" she said when she saw me. "The hat" she said pointing to her head. I reached up and sure enough, I had forgotten to get rid of my hat. I quickly pulled it off and threw on a black and white headband that I had tucked away in my bag. "If you're late or disobey dress code again, it really will be detention" she warned. I couldn't take her seriously since she had said the exact same thing last time, but I nodded and carefully wrote a note to Izzy. Thanks for the help, Simmons. Maybe next time you'll remind me about the hat? I tossed the note to her in the form of a paper airplane and waited for a reply. I glanced at her as it landed on her desk.

Izzy Simmons was my best friend. She was smart, beautiful, and bullied. She had brown hair that was so dark it looked black. She refused to wear it down in school, but when it was out of a ponytail or a bun, it fell down her back in soft waves. Like me, she wore glasses and hers made her dark brown eyes seem even bigger. She was several inches shorter then me and wore baggy clothes all the time. Her height and smarts made her an easy target for bullying. I on the other hand, flew under the radar.

Her reply landed on my desk and I opened it. I already do enough for you by watching the devils while you're there. I had already told Izzy all about the agency because she was my best friend and I needed someone to watch the twins.

When Mark had given me permission to tell one person about the agency, instead of telling my nonexistent parents I had immediately picked Izzy. After I told her, she had wanted to join the agency with me, but I didn't want to put her in danger. Izzy did end up covering for me while I was at the agency. Even without parents, I still had family to look over.

My younger sister and brother were the only family I has left. We did have a legal guardian in the form of our aunt, but she could care less about us. She was hardly ever home and when she was home it wasn't a good thing. The job of taking care of my siblings had fallen on me and Izzy took over when I went to work. Except, our bond went so much deeper then just helping me out with the twins.

A month or so before I had been recruited for the agency, my parents died in a car crash. I had just turned twelve and the twins were only eight. My aunt moved in with us and she was supposed to take care of us, but the most she did was leave us money for food and sometimes she didn't even do that. I had spent over a week crying before I realized that my aunt wouldn't do anything for us and the twins needed me back in their life. I finally stopped crying, pulled myself together, and learned how to run a household.

There were a few times where I could barely hold back my negative feelings and at times like those, I explored the internet and did some partially illegal hacking. When I got my job at the agency, it became a productive way to earn money and let out my negative emotions. I had never been allowed to fully grieve for my parents, but to me, duty cane before emotions. I had to take care of the twins and to do that, I had been forced to put aside my grief and never let it out again. Without the agency and Izzy it would've come out.

Through everything, Izzy stayed right by my side and helped out. Every time I felt like crying, Izzy was there to cheer me up. Whenever my aunt didn't give us money to buy groceries, Izzy would bring us some food. She supported my decision to join the agency and encouraged it. Without Izzy to help me, I'd probably break down and never put myself back together.

I jotted down my reply. You do more then enough for me. I threw the note back to her and waited for her response. It landed on my desk and I unfolded it. Since I do so much for you, will you let me join? I quickly jotted down my reply and chucked it at her in a crumpled up ball. Not a chance. There was no way that I'd let Izzy join the agency. The work was far too dangerous and she wouldn't fit in. Her response came quickly and I unfolded the messed up piece of paper. What if I beat you in a fight? It took me a second to write my reply and throw it at her head. I think you meant what if pigs fly? I closed my eyes and waited for her response, but it never came.

Soon enough, the bell rang signaling the end of class. "You. Me. Your backyard after school" Izzy said as she walked by me. "You'll never win Iz" I called after her as I began to pack up my stuff.

Author's Note

Hey my few readers! So, I may or may not have forgotten to update for a month. Sorry. Anyways, hope you enjoy the new part. I'm going to start trying to update at least once every month so that I don't disappoint anyone waiting for the next part each week. Anyways, once a month there will be a new part. Thanks for reading

P.S. my friend Ruthiedoll finally joined Wattpad and unfortunately isn't as panda obsessed as me

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