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"Now what?" Dylan asked. We were right outside the prison and from here the plan seemed fairly obvious. "Do you not know what to do?" I asked him. Apparently the plan wasn't obvious since both Dylan and Nate were looking at me for guidance.

"When we get into the building the first thing we should do is capture a guard in order to figure out the location of agent Desk's cell and to get a key card to open the cell. Then we go find her and escape" I told them. "Alright. Let's go" Dylan said hoping out of the car.

I considered telling him to wait so that I could explain the rest of the plan but it was so basic that even a beginner agent should be able to figure it out. The only things the rest of the plan included were what to do when alarms started ringing. They would either go off when the gate controls were restored or when we grabbed Margret.

If rescue and escape training weren't part of the basic skill set that every agent was supposed to learn, then I definitely would have stopped Dylan. However, being the Boss' son meant that he had been training for a long time and should have learned to not panic at the sound of alarms.

I also had to give him credit for being one of the top agents. To get to the top spots in the rankings, you had to know what you were doing and if you didn't well you wouldn't be sent out on a mission as dangerous as this one. Nate was also fairly high ranked and I did give credit where credit was due. Both could hold their own and if I had to be paired up with people I was glad they knew what they were doing.

With that in mind, I got out of the car along with Nate and entered the prison without going into more detail about the rest of the plan. When we got into the prison it seemed like security inside the prison was fairly relaxed since there were no guards in sight. Compared to the gate, it was like we walked into a school. A place that meant death but was completely unguarded. It looked like they had counted on their gate security to stop intruders and hadn't really bothered with security in the prison.

"There aren't any guards" Dylan said stating the obvious. "Then we'll just have to search every cell for her" I told them changing up the original plan. I already knew the guards were in this prison, they just happened to be incredibly condensed right now. Which meant that most areas would probably be unguarded and abandoned looking.

"Remember don't free any prisoners that aren't agent Desk. We'll have enough trouble getting her out of here and we don't need random people making everything more challenging" I told them. They nodded in agreement but then Dylan asked "What if it's one of our agents?"

"No one's been captured recently enough to still be here aside from agent Desk" I told him. "There was someone just last week" he reminded me. "Exactly no one recent enough to still be here" I told him my voice sounding cold and emotionless. A Planet's Death was one of the cruelest agencies out there. Unfortunately, they were right behind us in the competition for the number one agency. If they ever became the top agency, the world would become a horrible place to live in.

"We're splitting up if anyone runs into trouble just yell. Someone will hear it" I told them. "What if that someone is an enemy?" Nate asked me. "Then someone heard the yell. Meet back here in twenty minutes. If we've found her by then we leave. If not, we keep looking" I said to them before starting down the hallway leaving the cells next to the entrance for them.


When I was looking into A Planet's Death on the car ride here, I had only managed to find detailed information about the gate due to limited time. The only things I had managed to find about the prison were the location and that somewhere in the prison, they had a maximum security block. It was where they kept everyone important and if I had to guess it was where all the guards were right now.

By temporarily destroying the gate controls, I might not have set off any alarms, but I did send the entire place into high alert. If I had to guess, the prison guards would have moved from their normal posts to guard everyone in the maximum security block. Margret was an incredibly important person so chance were that she was there and surrounded by guards.

The guards themselves wouldn't be much of a problem, but figuring out where they were was. I found a set of stairs in the back leading to an upstairs area and I decided to climb them until the top floor and then work my way down. As I climbed, I counted the floors and found that there were five floors total. I would have to hurry since the second they got the gate system working again, alarms would be going off and everyone would be searching for us.

I started running through the top floor quickly glancing at each cell to check if there were prisoners inside. The majority of the cells I passed were empty and the ones that weren't didn't deserve a second glance since none of them held a female. By the time I got back to the stairs, I was a it out of breath since I hadn't stopped at all. I took a few seconds to calm my breathing and then descended to the next floor.

The top floor had taken me about ten minutes to search even without stopping. The second I had to start stopping to check cells, the search time might even double. If I didn't hurry the alarms would sound before I found her. With that thought, I took off running again.

Author's Note
Hey everyone! Sorry I forgot to upload yesterday and I'm running late today. I'm going to try to knock out another chapter before the end of today for what should be today's upload. This should've been up yesterday if I wasn't so bad at uploading on time. So, day 4/6 done? Anyways, hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment. Till next time

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