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A/N: The art above this chapter will be mine.

Jake kept me awake at night. Well, not just Jake. It was the cold ass hospital and the fucking group chat with everyone.

I hopped back onto my phone. Who needs sleep anyways?

[SmallestAss] I just fucking realized Jake and I have matching usernames...

[Gaymer]OH SHIT


[Tallest-Ass]Dnaobdie RICH

[SmallestAss has changed their name to FireGuy]

[Gaymer]Is that a fucking ref to The Office


[TallestAss]Wow. Rich. Wowo.

[Jer-Bear]Can we go back to making plans??


[Christine has joined the chat]

[Christine has changed their name to ChrissyChris]

[ChrissyChris]What plans??

[Gaymer]Plans to hang out. Also, who invited you?

Tensions had been high between the group when Chris and Jeremy got together. Michael and Christine do NOT like each other. At all. But we've all decided to not pick sides and be friends with both of them.

[ChrissyChris]Obviously Jeremy.


[TallestAss]Im feeling awkwardakdosbd

[FireGuy]Jake. Stop slamming your thumbs on the keyboard

[TallestAss]Ndoesnkzd alamdhaosndudisosnduskdbhd

[Jer-Bear]Thank you for the distraction, Jake

[Tallest ass] Don't mention it.
[Gaymer]Yes. Thank you Jake.

[FireGuy]Jakey-D saves the motherfucking Go-Go Squeez



[Brooke has joined the chat]

[Brooke has changed their name to PinkBerryAddict]


[Gaymer] Sounds great. Saturday??

[Jer-Bear] Saturday

[TallestAss] Saturday

[ChrissyChris] Saturday

[PinkBerryAddict] Saturday

[Chloe has joined the chat]

[Chloe has changed their name to BasicChloe]


[Jenna has joined the chat]

[Jenna has changed their name to GossipGirl]

[GossipGirl] Lake on

Fuck. I can't go to the lake. I get my bandages off tomorrow and after I get hem off I can still swim and stuff.. But I don't want anyone to see my scars.. but

[Fire guy]Saturday.

I do it to see my friends... I do it to see Jake..


Word count:329

This was short. I know. It also took me a long time to write. I kept having to look back at my other chapters.

Soooooooo I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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