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Okay. I'm going to be completely cal-


I reaaaaaaally fucking liked it.

Now, after our second kiss, I lay on his chest, continuing to watch The Office as if nothing happened.

"H-hey.. Jake?"


"Are we.. boyfriendth now..?"

"Shit. Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

"Hell Yeah!!"

And from that moment forward it was official.

"Do you wanna go do something??" Jake asked, smiling at me.

"Like what??"

"I dunno... do you wanna dance?? Like.. in my room?"

"What kind of danthe??" I asked, smirking as I ran my index finger down his well-sculpted jawline.

"Not that kind you perv! Like actual dancing."
"Jake, you know I can't danthe for shit."
"Believe me, I know."

Ohhhh fuck. He wants me to dance with him.

"Okay. Okay. I'll do it. But it'th only becauthe you're adorable and you're my boyfriend now."

Jake knows what music I like. It's a weird blend of pop, rock, and alternative.

He picks a slow song from one of my favorite albums.

We get up and he jokingly bows to me, smirking as I giggle.

He takes my body in his arms and holds me as I grip his biceps. We just kinda sway to the music.

It's nice, romantic, calm. Not what you'd expect from two high schoolers who totally just made out less than ten minutes ago.

He's pressing kisses all over my face, not that I mind. It's sweet. He's sweet.

At that moment I realize that this isn't what I expected from Jake at all.

I expected something high-energy, fast paced. But he's giving me care and attention.

Now I understand why girls wanted to date him so much.

Now I understand why I wanted to date him so much.

I knew that he got really touch starved really easily.
But I didn't know it got this bad.

His standards must be really low for him to have hugged, cuddled, kissed, and danced with me today.

But, I push those negative thoughts about myself away.

Clearly, Jake must see something in me for him to be this close with me.

"I wanna get to know you." He whispered to me.

I thought that statement was ridiculous. He knew me better than anyone else.
But, I simply responded with-

"I'll let you in, Dillinger.."

He pulled me close to his chest. We were hugging. It felt nice. He was nice and warm. His jacket was nice. I was totally gonna steal it later.

The song ended and I broke away, dancing by myself in my own weird dorky style.

Normally I'd have the Squip to tell me how to dance. But I don't have that now.

But it was okay. It was only Jake.

He loves me no matter how shit my dance moves are.
I think.

Yeah I'm fine.

The song had a kickass beat, pumping me up.

I felt his fingers intertwine with mine.

Now we were dancing together.

It felt so right to have him this close. To move together like this.

He was guiding me. It was safe to say that he was a better dancer than me.

At that moment, I realized he had dated Christine before me. She's the shortest person in our group. I'm the second shortest.

Then I said something I couldn't take back.

"You mutht have a thing for people shorter than you."

That made him freeze, stare at me for a moment, then start laughing his ass off.

"H-Holy shit maybe I do!!"
He moved his hand away from mine just to mess up my hair. "You shorties are just so cute and full of energy."

"Cute? No. Full of energy? Hell yeth" I replied with an awkward smile.

"To me you're both."

Then he kissed me again, picking me up so I could make out with him easier.

God, he was good at this too.

He broke away, panting and chuckling.

"I wath curthed with a boyfriend who'th good at everything."

"Cursed? Rich I literally have you panting right now!"

Shit. He does. I didn't even realize that I was panting but I guess I am.

Good fucking god, how is he always right!?

Again, I love Jake Dillinger.

I can't wait to share my love for my tall boyfriend with the world.

As soon as I got down I went on my phone and into the group chat.

[FireGuy has changed their name to SmallestAss]

[SmallestAss]Matching usernames.

Word count: 751

I got dinner in the middle of writing this.

I had pasta, rolls, and garlic bread.

With a side of salad because I'm healthy.

But I also listened to Mean Girls while writing this.

I thought I'd make this chapter have a nice cute ending.

Also, my foster puppy's name is Frank.

That is all


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