Third Person

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This will be the ending chapter of this book as I will be starting a new one. Hopefully this will make you all happy! I love you and thank you so much for reading!! Love, Arson


Jake paced the floor of his undersized college dorm. Today was the day his long distance boyfriend was coming to see him. It had been two months since he last got to hold the equally undersized boy in his arms.

Then, a knock at his door broke him away from this thoughts. He didn't even have a second to respond or open the door as his friends barged in. They looked different. Well, except Michael. He still wore the same red hoodie and same skinny jeans.
Jeremy's skin really cleaned up, the lanky boy also got rid of that shirt and cardigan and now he wears a matching blue hoodie with Michael.
Jenna was similar too. Her chic, trendy style turned more into a cool, chilled back one. She looked more inviting.
Brooke and Chloe changed the most. Their skirts and tight pants were swapped with comfy sweatpants and cute zip up hoodies. But they still had their cuter clothes and dresses and shoes for going out.
Christine's weird taste became more normal as she started wearing normal dresses and not mixing patterns. She looked like a respectable student.
Jake had changed a lot himself too. He let his hair relax a lot more instead of keeping it up with a mixture of different products. He wore a lot of the same stuff too. But he did get rid of that varsity jacket and wore regular hoodies like a normal person.

Everyone wondered how Rich had changed since he went to a different school than the rest of them. So, when they got the text that the small boy had landed in New Jersey again they were ecstatic.

The lot of them pushed through the crowded halls to get to the airport as fast as they could. When they got there they saw Rich hanging out hanging out on his phone. He looked a bit nervous but that all went away when he felt Jake's arms snake around his waist and lift him up.

The group chattered excitedly with Rich as they drove back to the campus. As soon as they got back Jake was fidgeting with something in his hands and no one could figure out what it was..

Then. The moment struck. The group was at a restaurant and Rich had said something that made the whole table laugh. Then, Jake did something no one could ever expect.

He walked around the side of the table, got on one knee and asked for Richard Goranski's hand in marriage.

He of course said yes, earning cheering and some weird looks from the diners at the restaurant.

Rich loves his fiancé and the way that ring looked on his finger and was looking forward to spend his life with the tall athlete. After all,

Why not?

Final word count: 503

I hope you all enjoyed this book as it was very fun to write.

I wanted to conclude it as I have an idea for another book just waiting to be written. Please stay tuned for more details about my new book.

Voltron fans are going to love me.

But I hope you all have the loveliest lives.

Love, Arson.

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