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Shit. How did I get my self into this mess??

I had Rich laying beside me in my bed watching The Office. The only thing between us was a pile of snacks.

So, in other words, we were pretty close.

I had my arm around him, in a totally not gay way. He had rested his head in the nook between my arm and my chest. He looked so cute like this..

God, before he came over I was so touch starved. But cuddling with Rich made it all go away. How does he get me all gushy like this?

He commented something that made me nod in agreement. "Every time I thee the dude who playth Jim, no matter what he'th in, I alwayth am like 'Jim Halpert'"

"Yeah me too. His face is just so recognizable." I'm trying to sound smart for you Rich!

Soon there were no snacks between us. Nothing between us.

Now it wasn't just lowkey cuddling. He was literally laying on my lap.

We had gotten through all of season one.

He was still wide awake, though we had adjusted positions several times.

He was laying on my chest, with my arms around his small torso.

It was comfortable for both of us.
God, how long is season two.

One thing I noticed is that every time Jim and Pam had a moment he would always squeeze my hands.

We changed our places again.

He was laying beside me, arm draped over my chest. My arm around him.

We were on season three.

He loved it when anything romantic happened between the characters. I guess he was a sucker for cute shit like that.

That's adorable holy shit.

But my mind couldn't focus on the show. It chose to focus on Rich's reaction to the gift I gave him.

We were so close.. why didn't I just kiss him?

I have a chance now don't I?

He turned to me. "You know, out of all the showth thith thtudio hath produthed, thith one is my favorite.."

God his lisp is so cute..
"Mine too."
Then, I leaned down and pressed our lips together.

I was actually kissing Richard Goranski.

I was about to pull away and apologize... then I felt him kissing back.

I was kissing him... and he was kissing back.

It was slow, and loving. But it was far from bad.

The two of us had been in many relationships.
But they had all been with girls.

This was both of our first kisses with a guy.

Holy shit.

He pulled away, looking at me with the most awestruck look in his eyes.

"Jake... I like you too.."

"You are so cute.."

He kissed me again, finding his way on top of me.

I pulled away this time.

"Can we wait to tell the others..? I don't think I'm ready for them to know.."

"That'th fine.. I don't think I want them to know too.."

He flopped back down onto my chest, cuddling.

Today was definitely a good day..


Word count: 507

Are you still mad at me??


PS:Prepare for another chapter before the day ends.

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