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Rich was asleep on my chest and the girls decided to mess with me. As usual.

Jeremy and Michael were playing games together on Mike's 3DS. They made such a cute couple.
Well, Christine certainly didn't think so. But the rest of us did.

Christine was staring longingly at Jeremy.

If you were wondering what he was doing. He and Michael were reading something on Michael's screen and giggling. Michael had his arms wrapped around Jeremy, resting his chin in Jeremy's hair. The two of them seemed so happy.

I was happy for them! The boys looked sooooo cute together.

Michael noticed Christine staring at him and Jeremy. So, he decided to fuck with her. Y'know, classic confident Michael. He tapped Jeremy's chin.

So, obviously, he looked up. He was clearly confused, but he was still a smiling mess.

Michael kissed Jeremy. Jeremy didn't seem surprised, kissing back without any hesitation.

Christine growled, turning away.

Chloe was suddenly snapping in my face. "Hello? Earth to Jake! You wishing you were kissing Rich like Michael is kissing Jeremy?" She was smirking, causing my face to heat up tremendously.

"W-well yeah!" I subconsciously hugged Rich's sleeping body tighter. After I did that I felt him shift, rubbing his cheek into my pec.

A warm smile was slowly playing itself across my lips as I watched my small boyfriend do this.

I heard a small giggle and noticed Brooke looking at us and  laughing. She had a longing look on her face. Almost like she wanted something like what Rich and I have.

Jenna somehow slipped out of the room without anyone noticing. So, she walked back in holding a bottle of wine. "Who wants to get fucking drunk!?"

Jeremy and Michael looked at each other, shaking their heads before Michael spoke, "No. Jer and I are good."

It was my turn to reply next. Well, I assumed that since everyone was staring at me.
"Well, um, I can't move. It's boyfriend law that if your boyfriend falls asleep on you you can't move out of fear that you'll wake him up."

Jeremy and Michael could be heard giggling, nodding at me. Especially Michael. From this I took the conclusion that Jeremy is the softie in the relationship. That's cute.

Christine shrugged. "I'm not into alcohol."

"Loser." Lovely comeback Jenna.

"Sure. I'm ready to get fucked up." Chloe said.

At that, Brooke started nodding vigorously.

Jenna poured the three of them large glasses of wine.

It didn't take long for the three of them to get fucking wasted.
Chloe and Brooke were hugging.

Jenna was filming this whole damn thing. Chloe and Brooke were slurring drunken nonsense at each other.

I was giggling like a little bitch. And somehow Rich wasn't waking up. This boy was such a heavy sleeper.

I looked up from my sleeping boyfriend, turning my head to Jeremy and Michael. The two of them were cuddling. Jeremy had taken Michael's hoodie for himself, the red fabric standing out against his pale skin. It complimented him in a way.

I looked at Chloe and Brooke.

I expected them to continue hugging endlessly... but they were making out. Woah. Didn't expect that. Pink and red lipstick were spread across their mouth areas. They clearly weren't being very careful.

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