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Nikki began to push Max in front of the camera as the hooded boy crossed his arms with a displeased look "sorry for the wait! It was difficult to  convince Max here to be apart of any of this..but he's here now to answer your question!"

Max raised a brow keeping his arms crossed "

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Max raised a brow keeping his arms crossed "..Just one? The list goes on and on of things the man has done that've gotten on my nerves..but the first thing that comes to my mind right now that may have been the most annoying was when he set up this Easter bullshit day, I mean, its the middle of summer! but he insists on doing all the holidays at this camp and giving them a 'summer-feel.' Then after the egg-hunt was done he convinced Neil to talk me into wearing a chick costume. Which actually said on the tag 'baby duck costume' the whole situation just pissed me the fuck off." Neil was sitting in the back at a table reading a book, keeping most of his attention on it. Without looking up Neil flipped the page and asked "What exactly annoyed you there? The fact David let you enjoy your first Easter egg hunt that was optional to participate in or the fact the man is broke as hell and had to buy a duck costume instead of a baby chicken one?"
Max turned his head over in Neil's direction "...if you want to ask a question I don't want to fucking answer tAKE IT TO THE COMMENTS OF THIS BULLSHIT" Max jestured to the camera.
"Maybe I will. Hell, I might even dare you to hug someone." He closed his book after saying his empty threat and walked off.

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