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Neil walked upto Max and raised a brow "stop flipping off the camera." He grabbed Max's wrist moved his tiny arm down. "Oh! Nikki! You have a question by the way!" Neil called out.

Nikki hopped up "oooh! Well, I got to do so many! It's hard to pick a favorite

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Nikki hopped up "oooh! Well, I got to do so many! It's hard to pick a favorite.." she chuckled a little "off the top of my head the best one was the digging for fossils. Max tried to take a nap and Neil complained how David had just buried Halloween props-"
Neil interrupted her "the cheap kind might I add."
"And I wasn't trying to nap I was trying to imagine not existing." Max said.
Nikki stuck her tongue out at them for a moment "buut, between being with my friends, the dirt, the skulls the digging, it was all just great!" Nikki jumped a little with a smile on her face. Neil smiled a little "how wholesome, oh, Max you have a question aswell."

Max's eyes widened as he knitted his brows "a s-sex change!? You sick fuck, there's no way in hell I'm going to do that just on a dare

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Max's eyes widened as he knitted his brows "a s-sex change!? You sick fuck, there's no way in hell I'm going to do that just on a dare......NEIL STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK."
"But Max...the scientific opportunity" Neil snickered.
"I'm joking, Max, I wouldn't do that to you." Neil patted his shoulder.
Nikki smiled "but at least tell us who your crush is.." Max looked away "I don't have one!!" Nikki sighed "....HARRISON!!! WE NEED SOME MAGIC!!" she yelled. Harrison ran up "Did someone say...m a g i c~?" Max looked at the magician "I hate you..I've always hated you."
Harrison dragged the smol Indian behind a curtain. A few minutes went by and Harrison was sean running past the camera with a female Max chasing him "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Nikki stopped her and held her hand dragging her back infront of a camera. "Neil!! Look at Max!!"

Neil looked at Max "H-Harrison what did you DO!?" Nurf ran up "whatever you did don't undo it!!" The bully said with a red blushing face

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Neil looked at Max "H-Harrison what did you DO!?" Nurf ran up "whatever you did don't undo it!!" The bully said with a red blushing face.
Max strangely spoke in a soft delicate yet aggressive voice "Nurf, back it the fuck up." She held a hand up.
Neil stared at Max. He slowly raised his hand to touch her hair "...oh my God, Harrison, why the bangs?"
"I thought they would look nice!" Harrison said.
Max crossed her arms "change me bac-....Nikki what are you doing?" Nikki was puffing her chest out "my mom taught me to never have a friend that has bigger boobs than me." Max put her hands on his hoodie where her chest was "neither one of us have any boobs, I haven't even hit puberty yet!"
"I'M JUST MAKING SURE" Nikki Kept puffing her chest.
Max looked back at Harrison "change. Me. Back."
"Alright." Harrison said "asoon as you tell us who your crush is with no lies!"  Neil pushed Nurf away so Max could talk easier.
Max put her hands In her hoodie "I...don't Want you to know, could you uh.."
Harrison rolled his eyes and covered his ears.
Max looked at the ground, kicking the dirt a little. ".....Preston" he said quietly.
Nikko then tapped Harrison's shoulder, the magician uncovered his ears and turned Max back to normal. "Neil, who did he say?" The magician was curious.
Neil shook his head, Preston and Harrison were friends and he sure as hell didn't trust Harrison. "I'm not telling you! Piss off! We have another question anyways so just- let's forget this happened." Neil said.

Max made his hands into fists "WHAT THE FU--"Erid stepped up "I wouldn't do shit

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Max made his hands into fists "WHAT THE FU--"
Erid stepped up "I wouldn't do shit."
Harrison raised his hand "I second on the not doing shit statement." Neil knitted his brows as Nikki growled "hunt that mother fucker down." Neil said with a glare as Nikki nodded in agreement.
Nerris looked at Preston "uh, I'm not sure what I would do? That seems like a quest for someone of a way higher level." Preston frowned a little "I just hope something so tragic would only be done on stage in the form of acting!!"
Gwen looked up from her book. "I'd probably try and get police involved or see how much ransom money he wants, but that /freak/ would probably be out for blood.....I don't want to think about that situation happening...or the paperwork."

The question got brought to David. David was doing some gardening around the messhall at the time. He looked down, away from the camera and tightly held the lilly and tiny shovel in his hands sighlently. He didn't answer the question. . .

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