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Max pointed at himself

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Max pointed at himself. "This bitch right here."
Neil grabbed his, and with next to no force pointed Max's hand at himself.
"Neil, no." Max said.
Nikki's eyes widened "I'm offended.." Neil luaghed as he let go of Max's wrist.
Max pointed at Nikki "THIS bitch, then! She hasn't disrespected me in the past five minutes."
Nikki pulled her hand out of her overall's pocket to reveal a sock puppet she made 'bite' Max's finger. "Nom." Nikki said.
Max looked at the sock "....I'm fucking offended. I have no favorite, they're all terrible."
Neil luaghed again.

"Erid and Erid and sometimes, all the time Erid" Nikki said proudly

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"Erid and Erid and sometimes, all the time Erid" Nikki said proudly.

"Nobody." Neil said...he blushed slightly.

"Oh oh oh, it's magic...ya'know...never would've believed he liked HARRISON" Nikki sang.  Neil grabbed her wrist and made the sock puppet cover Nikki's mouth.

"I also like Sasha and-" Max whispered before he was cut off.

"WHAT WAS THAT!!??" Nikki yelled.

"NOTHING" Max yelled back.

Erid shrugged "Don't really have a crush on anybody."

Nurf shook his head "My heart still belongs to Christ in the end..."

Dolph smiled "Anyone villing to love ve."

".....Neil and Preston" Harrison said when he was later not around Preston.

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