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Max held a cup of coffee as he walked into the messhall. "...I might actually be in a not terrible mood today"
Harrison was sitting at a table eating his breakfast, practicing a card trick or two. He glanced up at Max "well that's good to hear."
"Oh, and you just ruined it, Harrison. Congratulations, you can't keep your fucking mouth shut."
Harrison blinked, and just kept his focus on his food now.
Spacekid walked upto Max "Max! Someone gave you a question! Come look"
"Jesus hell everyone just keeps talking today.." he sipped his coffee.

Max knitted his brows with a long sigh

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Max knitted his brows with a long sigh.
Nikki chucked a little "FloofyFloofss? Your name sounds like it's describing Max's hair."
"...nobody asked for your input, Nikki." Max told her as he set his coffee down on spacekid's fishbowl. "Ok, Spacekid is a 9 Harrison and  Nurf are both 8s Nerris changes between a 7 and a 5, 4 on a good day, that girl is confusing as hell. Preston is a 6. I rarely ever speak to Dolph so he's like a 3 since I'm just assuming he's annoying...Erid is and will always be a manipulative fucking 11."
Nikki crossed her arms ". .no tho"
"Shhhhut up I'm not done. There's so many of you guys I get a headache all the time....oh, and Neil and Nikki are like a 1 or 2."
"Awwh, Max!" Nikki smiled at him.
"Your still crazy and Neil's still a asshole."
Neil walked up "you also got a dare. If you want to talk shit."

"FUCK NO, I REFUSE" Max grabbed his coffee back and started walking away

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"FUCK NO, I REFUSE" Max grabbed his coffee back and started walking away.
Neil turned the camera off.

Some time passed by.

Gwen turned the camera back on. All the campers except Max were gathered outside. "After some negotiation Max has agreed to hug's gonna be rad." Erid said with a chuckle. Gwen rolled her eyes. Max got pushed In front of the camera by Nikki. Max glared at everyone "...DAVID!!! CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A SECOND!?"
David dropped what he was doing and quickly came up "oh! Sure Max! What do you need?" He smiled happily at the camper, wondering why everyone was gathered up like this. Max reached his hand up "eh."
David looked down at him "...what?"
"Eh." Max repeated keeping his arms up. David blinked afew times not understanding "do you...need something from me?"
Max kept his arms up.
"....OH you want a HUG!" David smiled at him real big, really happy. "Of course! Always! I love hugs!" He leaned down and hugged the boy.
The campers started to laugh at Max, guess he wasn't that tough. David frowned, and picked Max up "Now now, campers. Your telling me non of you have never needed a hug before? Why can't we all be nice to each other?" He frowned at them. He sat Max down "I'm here for you, Max. If you ever need a hug just tell me" he smiled at the boy, walking away with a 'kick me' sign now on his back.
Max smirked a little and flipped off the camera.

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