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Later that day, the campers were in the messhall eating their usual gross dinner, or some were at least. Spacekid smiled at everyone "we have a question for all of us this time! Guys, come see!" Max stabbed his fork into the table he was sitting at. "I refuse to answer anymore of those damn fucking questions, bitch."
Erid rolled her eyes at Max. She then smiled at Spacekid "what's the question?"

 She then smiled at Spacekid "what's the question?"

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Erid cleared her throat "No, you may not ask that." She then looked back at her food.
".............Erid has been in multiple relationships." Harrison said. "None of switch were with people here, but if you look at her social media. Then see all the old stuff...." Erid turned her head "HARRISON." Max snickered "they're all girls too. She's not only a slut but a slutty faaaaa--" Max suddenly saw alot of glares being shot his way "aaabulous lesbian."
Neil raised a brow "Nice save."
Nikki hit her first on the table "Anymore questions!??!" Preston nodded "I really must know what my adoring public wants to dare me!"
Spacekid dumbly smiled at them "nope! That's it!" Nerris held her toy sword up "really? Huh...guess we get the rest of the night off! What do you guys wanna do?" Max stood up "sleep." He walked out of the messhall.
Daniel on the other hand, didn't want to sleep. He sat awake in his hospital bed. The reason he didn't want to sleep was because, he had just woken up from a very long nap. He hoped David wasn't too comfortable, because he might get a rude awakening soon enough..

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