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After Erid stormed off, she worked on fixing up her motorcycle. Max sat in his tent with someone's stolen glasses, reading a book he stole from Gwen. Probably one, not exactly for his age.

Max casually flipped a page not bothering to look up "Why are you so goddamn up in my fuckin' business?"Nikki felt personally insulted "Max

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Max casually flipped a page not bothering to look up "Why are you so goddamn up in my fuckin' business?"
Nikki felt personally insulted "Max....look at there name."
"BEARS ARE BETTER THAN WOLVES--" Max was cut off to a pillow hitting his face.
Nikki looked at him dead serious "respectfully awnser the alpha wolf's question..." Max slammed the book shut. "..."
Neil had been sitting on his cot, using David's phone with the wifi page he got from the flowerscouts. "Want me to tell you the definition of cynical?" He asked smugly
Max rolled his eyes "sure, say your nerd shit."

Neil proudly showed him the phone "Arnt correct facts just wonderful?" Max glared at him for a moment before leaning back with a soft forced little chuckle "oh

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Neil proudly showed him the phone "Arnt correct facts just wonderful?" Max glared at him for a moment before leaning back with a soft forced little chuckle "oh...'cynical' doesn't even begin to describe me...I guess I was just always this way or..something." Nikki sniffed the air "I smell some lieesss." Neil shook his head "I've seen you smile, everyone was a baby once, nobody is born evil. Tell the truth, Max."
Max took the stolen glasses off and looked at them. "My parents cheated on each other with other people in our livingroom, I got bullied at school, my dad never talked to me and my mom was a abusive hellspawn so that coulda probably fucked me up...or maybe it's the fact being 'cynical' and 'evil' is FUN. SO GET OFF MY DICK ABOUT IT."
Nikki looked at Neil "......" then at Max "......" then she stared at the floor "probably not the best time but.....what dick?"
Neil burst out luaghing "NIKKI, NO, STOP. THAT'S BAD. DICK JOKES ARE BAD."
Max held the bridge of his nose ".........we all know what your trying to contanplate with that big hairdo, Neil. Don't even start."
Nikki luaghed "oh my freakin jesus christ-" she wheezed.
Neil Just shook his head " have babyfeet" he whispered. Max jumped up "SAY THAT TO MY FACE, BITCH" He tried not to luagh. Nikki wheezed again. Neil leaned up "WHEN THE SCHOOL YEAR STARTS, DAVID IS GOING TO HAVE TO GET YOUR NEW SHOES FROM THE TODDLER SECTION. DON'T ACT LIKE I'M WRONG."
Max threw the pillow at Neil "sHUT UP!!!"
The playful fight continued.

Preston, Nerris, and Harrison were playing dnd together. Harrison sitting there bored out of his mind. Nerris casually pointed over "Ya got a question, troll."

Preston covered his mouth a bit at the mention of Cole

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Preston covered his mouth a bit at the mention of Cole. Someone he'd only heard about. Nerris shut her mouth and looked away, houlding off her insults at Harrison. The magician nervously put his hands up "no no no, You didn't hurt me at all! Don't worry about it, I'm fine it happened along time ago!" He said reassuringly.
Nerris felt awkward "...sorry for your bro being dead and all."
Harrison aggressively let out a sigh "I didn't kill him, he just...disappeared. He's just not here! I'm not a murderer." He said defensively.
Preston nervously smiled "SO, did you guys know that Erid once had blue streaks in her hair instead of pink? NOT her color, haha...ha...hue."
Harrison and Nerris just stared at the game in silence for a moment "......let's just play chest." Harrison said.
"Mhm." Nerris agreed as she put the dnd game up.

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