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Early the next morning, David had woken everyone up with his usual cheerful self, ate there breakfast, done the activity for the day then the redhead went to go watch bob Ross with his co-counselor Gwen. Nikki walked up close to the camera and read a question.
"Nikki, I told you! Nobody wants to see the booger you named Jimmy the second!" Neil called out.
"Don't get your panties in a knot I'm reading a question!......MAX!" The wild child smiled "THIS ONE IS FOR YOOUU"

MAX!" The wild child smiled "THIS ONE IS FOR YOOUU"

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Max sipped a cup of coffee. "No." He said
"Isn't it a little late in the day for coffee?" Neil asked
"Isn't it a little early for you to be in my business?" Max rolled his eyes.
Neil took the coffee from him "now you don't get coffee. Don't be rude to a man of science." Neil drinked Max's coffee.
Nikki smiled at them "c'mon it'd be fun to do something with Preston..just the two of you!"
Neil snapped his fingers as he tried to remember something "Max is too much of uh..... tsundery! I believe that's the term. Words like that is more Nerris' department." Max knitted his brows. "I'm not gonna fucking do it no matter what I am."

A few hours later, after some convincing and some preparing.

"I can't believe I'm gonna fucking do this." Max said behind the curtain of the theater camp. Preston had on his king cape he got at Christmas, along with a lil crown on his head with a big smile "you ready, Max?" Preston asked. "Let's get this over with..." Max said a little quietly.
They both walked out onto the stage in front of everyone.

During the performance, Preston did alot of houlding Max's hand and swinging him around into a dance to keep him from walking off the stage. Wich he tried. Alot. Once it was done Preston took a bow and Max crossed his arms. Preston Smiled at the crowd "that song didn't quite capture how exactly I feel about Max, it was all performance...THIS song is how I feel about Max!"
Max knitted his brows and quietly spoke to Preston "we agreed We'd only do one song P- oh damn it there he gose.."

Everyone in the crowd had stood up and helped with the backup singing. This shit had been planned and Max wasn't happy about it. He stamped off into the woods. Neil and Nikki followed him "I thought you said you liked Preston!?" Nikki asked.
Max turned back for a split moment to yell "I DID NOT" he denied his past statements completely..he walked further into the woods until he stood Infront of a big oak tree..

Neil patted Max's back " Erid wasn't the only one who's been in a relationship we haven't heard about yet?"
Max turned his head away "I don't want to talk about it. We...never got to be in a relationship so it never counted for shit." Nikki sighed "we should probably head back to camp. C'mon guys." The wild child said.

Harrison was sitting on the grass, practicing a few card tricks.
Erid walked past "you have a question."


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"......" Harrison put his cards down, now putting his head down "....Cole. his name is Cole." The magician said in a soft tone.

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