Part 6

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Riley and Maya go home. Riley goes in her room and shut her door. She sits down in the bay window and puts her head on her legs. "Why is the world like this, why do people judge?" She thinks to herself. Then, the door opens. Topanga walks in. "I know your father can be like this... and that he might put things on the board and they might be towards you." She begins... "but when I was a kid, I also had problems about my sexuality."
Riley, still having her head on her legs, begins to cry. Corey walks in and says, "Riley, it's okay to like your own gender. It's a part of life and me and your mom will accept that." Topanga walks over to Riley and rubs her back.

After they leave, Riley lifts her head up and looks out the window. "...Maya. Please tell me you're out there." She says, looking around. Maya pops her head up and says, "I'm right here sweetie." Riley smiles and Maya comes in the window and sits beside Riley.

"I like you, Maya." Riley whispers to Maya and lays her head down. "I like you too honey." Maya replies, laying her head on Riley's head. "It'll be okay, sweetie. I'm always here. We can ignore the world and just stay in this bay window if you'd like." Maya says and pats Rileys hair. "Yes please peaches." Riley says, beginning to fall asleep on Maya. Maya lays Riley down on her lap and she lays her head on the bay window. "I hope this won't stop." Maya whispers before she falls asleep also.
Maya falls into a deep sleep....

"Maya." Riley says. "Yes sweetie?" Maya replies. "Please be mine, you're my extraordinary relationship." Riley replies. "Okay sweetie, anything you want." Riley then wakes Maya up from sleep. Riley takes Maya's hand and they get up from the bay window. They walk down the stairs and sit down at the table. "Good morning girls." Corey says. "Morning Mr. Matthews." Maya replies, "what food do you have for us today?" "I have some bacon and pancakes Maya." Topanga replies.
She sits down the food on the table and Riley lays her head on Maya. "I see you're still sleepy." Maya says. Riley shakes her head yes. "Poor sweetie." Maya says, patting her hair. Maya picks her fork up and eats some of the pancake Topanga made. Riley falls to sleep on Maya and Maya smiles.

After breakfast they go to high school. Corey still has the LGBTQ+ written on the board. "I believe we're ready for this one Matthews." Maya says. Riley shakes her head no and says, "Maya, No!" "It's okay sweetie. What do you got Matthews?" Maya replies. Riley lays her head down and Maya gets up to calm her down. "LGBT." Corey starts, "This is what people are feeling these days." "Oh no." Riley whines. "LGBT is when you like someone of your own gender, I believe you already heard of this." Corey continues. "Ugh." Riley whines again. "Riley, do you have a speech for this?" Corey asks. "Oh cmon." Riley says, Maya lifts her head up. Farkle raises his hand. "Yes, Farkle?" Corey says. "Riley is feeling uncomfortable because I think her and Maya love each other. This topic is bad for this because it makes the feeling worse. LGBT isn't just a choice, it can also be a real feeling." Farkle says. "That's a good thing to know, Thank you Farkle." Corey replies, "You guys are now dismissed." Corey wipes the "LGBT" off of the board.

"Why do you have to go over everything that's going on in my life?" Riley asks her father at the dinner table. "Because Maya is always there for you, and I want you to be happy. I'm your father and I need to let you know things that's coming in your life. I just want you to be safe because that's my job." Corey tells Riley. "I'll be alright dad. You should know Maya by now." Riley replies. "Yes I do, and I trust Maya." Corey replies.

Maya POV
I headed home early and went to my room. I looked at my phone and saw text messages from Farkle. And with Farkle being Farkle, he pretty much knew something about me and Riley. "Maya, I know something's going on with you and Riley." I read, "I know you two love each other. I'm also a good friend of Lucas. Lucas has been acting up lately, it's like he's hiding something." I put my phone down. "Ranger Rick acting weird?!"

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