Chapter 3.

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Y/n's POV, 15 years young.

I stared, struck with a sudden realization as to what Uncle Nori was helping with. However if I wanted to greet Midoriya, I had to act to the best of my ability.


To which I reacted by helping him up relatively concerned. "Hey, you okay?" I grinned before turning to 'Pro-Hero All Might' with a glare.

"WOWIE JEEBUS I HAVE TO GO ITS REALLY LATE OR WHATEVER SEE YA." I slurred, jogging down the Beach. I snorted as I passed a corner store, seeing Katsuki yell at the cashier. I wasn't really in the mood to put up with THAT mess.

As I zoned back into reality I tripped over a stone and found myself infront of a hospital.

"... Hmm." I frowned, before recalling that Aizawa wanted me to retain a part time job soon.

Well then.

"Hello miss, how may I help you?" The kind lady at the front desk smiled sweetly. I nodded back before speaking. "I'd like to know, what's the age where I can start part-time working here?" I attempted to ask, earning a gasp back.

"You would? That's sweet of you dear, since we need more people to assist the patients. Maybe you could be a temporary nurse for the time being, yes?" She slid me a few papers.

"Come back tomorrow with these filled out and you can begin working next week!" She cheered before waving me off. I waved back and walked out the door, passing a taller boy on my way out.

"Woo! Wait, will he still give me an allowance?" I pondered aloud, not after being launched harshly across the pathway by a certain angery porcupine.

"OI, Leech. I figured out your little quirk. It's not that flashy, anyway!" Bakugou scoffed. "I'm waaay superior, and I'm gonna get into U.A while you're stuck at some boring school like... Uh..." He trailed off. I grinned.

"Kaaaatsu-Kun, using your quirk in public is illeeeeegal." I lazily reminded the boy before earning a slam on the back of my head.

"What's with the Nickname, Sucker? It sounds stupid." He gruffly spoke, lookin away. "If you give me a Nickname, you get one too, Katsu-Kun!" I said, before recalling the line I'm about to cross and bolting.

"Time to head home!"

Y/n's POV, Entrance Exam day.

I slammed the doors down and bolted down the road with a slice of dry bread in my mouth, since Aizawa had left early for teaching and I was absolutely ON FIRE. It was the day of Entrance Exams, into U.A.

Aizawa WAS going to give me the easy route, but...

--  Flashback.

"I can recommend you in if you want, Y/n. You have pretty great potential." He smirked. I shook my head violently.

"Thanks for the offer, but I want to get in fairly." I laughed nervously at his frown. "... Well, good luck kiddo."

--  End.

"I might want to take the easy route now!" I worriedly tripped over the gutter and face planted into then floor. However, I briskly picked myself up and was met with the front doors of U.A.

"Wow, this is so cool-- OW!" I yelped as someone shoved me violently. "Move it, Leech." Katsu grumbled, as I looked behind me to see Deku being helped up by a cute girl.

REALLY cute.

As she looked over and waved at me, I winked and mouthed 'call me' before walking inside. Damn, I'm smooth.


I scanned the rows of seats until familiar red hair spiked from behind the back of a seat. I scooted into the seat behind him and pulled out my phone, messaging Oji a 'good luck' and Katsuki a 'You suck :P.'

Riya-chan earned a 'don't worry, you'll do great or whatever' before closing my phone. Hope freckles can survive this.

"Hey, it's you!" Red hair turned around to spy me. We locked eyes, my own e/c pouring into his.

"Yeah, it's me. Enjoy the show?" I winked, earning an eager nod. "Maybe you can give me lessons sometime!" He cheered.

"WHAT?!" A triggered Bakahoe stormed over. "YOU. Y/N. YOU... UGH!" Clearly he was aggravated. I raised a brow. "What? We're just talking about when I was practicing parkour a while ago. What's up your ass?" I tilted me head. He grew flustered, before muttering profanities and storming off.

"... What's his problem?" Red hair asked. I noted his abnormally sharp teeth and grinned.

"I stopped him from attacking a poor boy, like usual. My names L/n Y/n, just call me Y/n. You?" I asked. "Kirishima. Pleased to meet you!" He shook my hand firmly before some ridiculous haired man shushed everyone.

Oh yeah, it's Present Mic.


"I'm... Here. Right?" I awkwardly stared at the large doors infront of me. I spotted the brunette cutie from before, but decided against talking to her. She seemed a little too... concentrated.

"Oh, Hey Riya-Chan!" I waved at the green haired boy infront of me. He looked at me for a second before giggling like a schoolgirl. "That's such a girlish name, Y/n! I feel like a female!" He laughed. I chuckled before trying a new one.

"Mido-Kun... No. Hmm... Can I just call you Otoutosan?" I joked. His face flared as he stiffened, earning more laughter from me. "I'm just messing around, Izu-Kun!" I patted his back before the announcer started talking. I began approaching the entrance as he said he was beginning the countdown.


"WHAT'RE YOU ALL WAITING FOR?! FOLLOW THE GIRL!" He screamed back as I used my quirk to slam my leg into a 2 - Pointer. It went flying and, in turn, took down an entire building. "Sorry, not really though!" I cheered before feeling one try and crush me underneath it's foot.

I held my arms up to prevent it, subtly draining the electricity from the 3 - Pointer. It ended up malfunctioning and flopped over.

I managed to wipe out a whole lot more robots before an ABSOLUTELY HUGE one stepped up to the plate. Since I didn't listen through Present Mic's explanation, I ended up taking a leg from under it and bolting with everyone else. A few people tripped as the ground shook, leading me to pick them up with the strength of my quirk and rush them to safety. I placed around thirteen people down before saluting and rushing back into the fight.

I'm not fleeing this time.

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