End - Shouto Todoroki

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I blankly stared at Hitoshi before mumbling.

"I'm hungry."

He clearly was taken aback, but understood.

"Go make something then. I'll be waiting here, even when we miss class."


Pastry after pastry, yet he wasn't agreeing.

"I think he likes cold soba. Why pastries?" He tilted his head to the side as I pulled red velvet cupcakes out of the oven.

"Pastries are more fun to make. Plus, I know red velvet is a definite. Just... What with...?"

"White mousse sounds cool." Hitoshi sent my brain sparking with that idea.


"I can't... Well, I can't say no."

I rummaged through my drawer while he sat, indeed eating the cupcakes. I'm glad he was content with them, I had no use for it.

"Found it!" I cheered, grabbing out the heart-shaped cake tin. I grasped a thin sheet of iron, cutting it to shape before putting it in the middle of the heart.

"Let's do this!"


I had finally made it. After a long time of skipping class, I did it. And now it's lunch, and dad might be mad at me, but who cares? Not me.

I have finally done it. A white mousse / red velvet heart, put together with f/c icing. It was tempting to make it leak the icing, but I didn't feel like it.

It was good like this, simple yet tasty.

"Thanks for your help, Hitoshi, and... Sorry." I smiled weakly at my friend. He waved it off.

"No problem. Sorry for eating everything, though you did tell me to... This tastes good." His smile faded.

"Blah blah, habits of my heart... God, this is irritating. Have fun, Y/n." He returned the weak smile before I bolted it for the cafeteria.

"SHOUTO!" I yelled, then being approached by Iida.

"I'm afraid whom you're looking for hasnt arrived yet! He will be here soon, though." He saluted me, as stiff and strict as per usual before he sat back at the table with Uraraka and Midoriya.


"Y/n--... Oh. Well, that's cool. Looks good!" Ochako bound up to me, a skip in her step before she spotted the bicolored boy.

"He's here! Wish you could make one for me, wish you liked girls, but hey!" She pat me on the back. "Go get 'em!"

I jokingly saluted her before approaching the heterochromatic-eyed boy.

"What's for lunch today?" His head lolled to the side as I sent him a smile.

"Might be a little sugary, but this is all that's on the menu." I replied. "You should try it." I revealed the lovely treat.

"... W-well, okay." He muttered, though his stoic expression broke once a smile shone through. "It's creative."

"I know. I didn't have enough sugar to make it as sweet as--"

"You, yeah. You can't afford that much." He smirked before biting into it. I would've brought forks and knives, but I didn't have the time.

Plus, the way his face lit up made my heart squeeze itself. I felt my own organ strangling themselves, that's how adorable the face he made truly was.

I ignored the Bakugang screaming about bets and Iida dealing with sobbing children, because all I needed was right infront of me.

Though he isn't a fork.


"Y/n, you might have to sort these out." Iida dragged both of the sweetest children my way, as they hugged eachother in pure sadness.

"NooOoOo.... I wanted something like that for me~" Uraraka wailed, crying into Izuku's shirt. I tensed, not knowing if they were serious or not.

"B-but... Todoroki's expression...!" Izuku clenched his eyes shut before I pulled out some of the leftover experimental pastries.

"You can have these."

I secretly filled teem with different fillings and I have no idea which is which, but I had put mint flavored ice cream in the middle of one cupcake and the other was filled with strawberry chocolate.

Kinda like lava cakes.

I smiled as they practically inhaled the treats.

"Where the FUCK is mine?!" An angered Katsuki slammed into me. Hopefully he didn't crush the pastries. I felt my legs almost give out on me as I stumbled, though having the blonde male briskly stand me back up.

"Here, stupid." I teased, handing him a cupcake rigged with pop rocks. He's stupid, he'll eat it without a thought. "Hey, Leech." I looked back up at him. He seemed a lot calmer, though hadn't bit into it yet.

'You're a sadist. I thought I took you out on a lovely night. (he's eating.) I guess I didn't? Fuckin' hell. I'll try much more the next chance I get.'

"O-oh, sorry... I did enjoy it, though...!" I tried to calm him down, though he had already bitten into the cupcake. His face twisted, nose scrunched as I heard him crunch on the pop rocks. Stiffening, I was shielded by Midoriya and Uraraka. They stood proud, almost protectively. It was weird since I could clearly handle myself.

'Y/n is NOT putting up with you! She probably put a lot of effort into those! The taste will forever be here in my heart~!' His eyes clenched shut, Izuku tensed underneath Bakugou's glare. I awkwardly coughed.

'Y-yeah! I like how much effort she put into these! She made them just for us...!' Uraraka spat.

"You do know she made this to prank him, right?" Shouto butted it, whilst resting his chin on my head. I smiled softly. "Plus, don't protect that heart-breaking fuckin' tard."

I frowned at the end.

'But she-- SHE made her choice, Bakugou! She had a choice! Yeah, I really wished she liked girls, but that's for another e-- time!' The brunette stumbled over her words before regaining her composure. I felt my heart squeeze as she turned around and gave me the biggest smile.

"Sorry, guys."

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