Chapter 10.

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Izuku's POV, 15 years young.

I swear my shriek bounced off the walls as I carefully dropped her and ran.

Not far, but enough to hide myself. "NO YOU CAN'T HAVE MY BLOOD I NEEEEEEEED THAT!" I yelled, heart slamming on my ribcage. I heard her giggle.

"I'm joooooking, come out...!" Her eerily cute giggles were unsettling, making me fear for my life. "Izuuuukuuuuuu~"

".... A-are you sure?" I contemplated, before realizing she hadn't replied. I looked over the corner to see her passed out on the pathway, as if she had been knocked out.

"Y/n?!" I yelped in horror as I walked over and hoisted her onto my shoulders.

I have no idea what happened, but I'm taking her to the hospital.


Y/n's POV, later after being a doofus.

"... Ha... Ah?" I yawned, sitting up and licking my lips. I was recharged and felt so FRESH. However, these cold sheets don't feel like home. Not only that, but it was waaaay too bright to be my room.

"... HAVE I BEEN KIDNAPPED?!" My sleep-voice bounced off the walls and somebody walked in, a blue of green and a few other colours.

"Midoriiiii.... Ya?" I tilted my head, realizing it was the green boy I was walking with before I... I can't remember.

As I wracked my brain for answers, he began cupping my face and checking my temperature like I was sick or something.

"Y/n! You suddenly fainted on the pathway just before!" His tired, exasperated voice filled my ears in delight.

"Sorry, Izuku. I was running low on energy lately, so I might randomly do that again. I didn't get much sleep last night..." I trailed off, remembering the reason I stayed up so late.

"Why? Was it in relation to that anime you always watch...?" He wiggled his eyebrows knowingly. I laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, sorry."


I slumped into my couch, having invited Izukun over for dinner in thanks.

Lucky I texted Sho that I had guests so he had to wait until they left. He's weirdly secretive that way.

"So what do you want, Mido?" I turned after browsing the fridge. We did, however, have a variety of options.

"I-its okay, really! I'm not hungry..." He lied, before his stomach growled in denial. "... What can you make?"

"... I have a surprise!"

"... Then what was the point of asking?!" He frowned at my cheeky expression.

"Go explore for a bit, but don't go in the room with 'Don't.' scribbled on the front in messy writing. That's my carers room." I let him wander as I prepared katsudon.

I always know my friends favorite dishes~

Later, after I finished serving the pork cutlet bowls, I called Izuku down for dinner. However, no response.

"Don't tell me he's, like, dead or something." Groaning, I trodden upstairs, listening for any movement. Nobody was really walking, so I guess he was just relaxing somewhere.

"Izuchaaaaan~" I giggled nervously, before panicking and swinging my door open in concern. Lucky for me, he was just in my room.

Looking through my drawer...?

"Hey Izukun, why're you looking at my socks?" I asked, head curving to the side in confusion. Clearly flustered, he slammed the draw closed and mumbled something incoherent before I knocked him over the head.

"I don't care much, just pick up your notebook and lets--..." I felt my expression darken. That's not HIS book, it's MINE.

"I-I-I-I-I-I- swear, Y/n Chan! It's.... I didn't read it at all!" He grew teary eyed, so I lessened my angered expression and sighed heavily. "I... I did, b-but for good reason!" He defended.

"Go on. What?" I interrogated, narrowing my e/c orbs almost scarier than Katsuki could manage to accomplish.

"S-so... Your quirks really p-powerful! And... I thought maybe you wrote something in here like a drawback or... A w-weakness, I'm really fascinated and all, and you know how I write about everything so much, and all I know is you're a walking bottle of caffeine--" I cut his explanation short.

"You could just ask. I'm not that secretive about it, and I think you have good intentions." I smiled awkwardly. "Though that's my... Um. Don't read it. There's no point." I snatched the book away and tossed it onto the highest shelf I could reach myself.

"Let's go eat, I'm sure you're starving."

After I filled my stomach on a dozen bowls, Midoriya was finally finished. He licked his lips in delight and stood rather energetically. "Thanks for the delicious meal!" He graciously cheered, before grabbing his bag.

"I appreciate your presence, Izukun." I smiled and embraced him in a tight hug, feeling him squirm. "You're really nice."

He relaxed his body and slowly placed his arms around my waist.

Trust me, it's a friendly hug.

"Anyway, I have to make sure there's enough leftover for Sh-- uhhh.... My caretaker. Have a safe trip home!"

He nodded and, as he walked out the door, I locked eyes with an angry, yet deeply concerned Sho.



Izuku's POV, leaving Y/n's house.

"That was delicious!" I licked the remaining food on my lips and began my trek home. Of course, until I realized I forgot one thing.

"AAH! My notebook!" I cried, clutching my head as I ruffled my hair even more. "That had so much info i  it! Though, I've already memorized all of it... But if I rewrote it I wouldn't have enough time to train and study!" I cut myself short and sighed.

"Y/n can just give it back." I concluded, before hearing an eerily creepy laugh.

"Oh, so you and Y/n are close~" Mineta's voice made me very uncomfortable. "I see!"

"Go away." I coldly frowned before beginning walking.

"Are you two in a relationshiiiip?" He slurred, a mere shadow of purple in the dark infront of me.

"N-No! Though... IfshereallywantedI'dbehappytobeherboyfriendsinceshesreallyperfectandwhateverbut-- WAIT." I stopped my mindless venting as I noticed the red, blinking light above the lense recording me.

"Aaand SNATCHED!" He looked like he was hatching some mastermind plan, and I was deeply disturbed. The drool down his mouth made it no better.

"So, do me a favor and I won't show her this embarrassing footage. Though it's probably illegible anyways." I felt my ears ring, blocking out the second part.


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