Chapter 9.

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Y/n's POV, 15 years young.

"OH. MY GOD." I finally came to a realization after staring at Todoroki for a solid few minutes in silence, causing him to sit up in shock.

"What?" He asked.

Should I tell him? Maybe asking is better...? No, what if he doesn't care? Maybe he's indifferent to my realization...?!

"Nothing!" I chirped, hiding my rushing thoughts by smothering them in lunch.

I had packed leftover Tonkatsu, with a bit of a mini soufflè omelette. A bit of rice was in a small container too. I admit sometimes I go over the top with meals, but I enjoy cooking when I'm good at it.

"... Why did you pack so much food?" Todo's head tilted slightly as he snacked on some rice. "It looks good."

"Thanks, Todo. You want some?" I offered, nudging the box his way. He hesitated at first, before accepting and slowly nibbling on some of the Tonkatsu.

"Who made this?" He inquired while picking up another piece.

I pointed at myself before eating more, content with an almost full stomach when suddenly people started evacuating the mess hall.

"Wh... Let's go, Todo!" I grasped his arm as he continued eating as if nothing was happening, my lunch box in his arms. We stormed through the doors until we were cornered in a large crowd.

"Mhmm, this is delicious." He licked his lips, ready to have more when someone accidentally knocked it out of his arms and onto the floor, since everyone was being shuffled around.

I giggled slightly, until I noticed the clear despair and sadness on Todoroki's features. It was uncommon to see his eyes this glazed over.

"H-hey! I'll bring more tomorrow, a lunch box just for you!" I hoped to God he'd cheer up because this level of sadness over my food made me feel uncomfortable. He silently nodded, now as indifferent as always before someone shoved me into the crowd and we were split up.

"A-ah! Hey!" I cried, making my way to a wall to escape the hungry crowd.

Suddenly, someone's chest was pressed to mine.

"... We meet again." The same purple haired kid from a few days ago had his arms at my sides to refrain from crushing me. "Seems we're not worlds apart." He grinned tiredly, before trying to get off me.

His arms buckled from the pressure on his back, and he ended up pressing his chest onto mine a little harshly. I winced, my... AhEM. My chest hurts.

"U-Um!" I yelped, feeling his forehead press against mine as he sighed.

"Sorry. I can't move." He replied, trying his best. I nodded awkwardly.

Luckily for me, a wild porcupine showed up. He looked as  A N G E R Y  as always. "OI! GET OFF 'ER!" He growled rather loudly, tearing poor tired boy off of me and grabbing him by the collar.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't know you two were a thing." He smirked playfully, earning a red-faced reaction from the blonde.

"N-no! Uh, we're... We're in the same class and that it!" I waved my hands defensively as Katsuki walked back into the crowd. I heard Iida, engine calves, talking to Uraraka.

"... EVERYONE! LISTEN HERE!" His voice bounced off the walls as he clung to the pipes above the exit sign.


I stared in awe at his powerful commands, since everyone actually listened.

"Thanks, Iida!" I called, before going to class.


Iida ended up being Class Rep. alongside Yaoyorozu. It was fitting, since he was a very straight ruler. Very.

"Hey, Bakuhoe!" I called to the blonde. His brows furrowed in frustration as he turned around, cheeks dusted in a light pink.

"What is it, Leech?" He tried to sound as confident as always, but his vocce faltered toward the end.

"Thanks for before! I appreciate the thought." I smiled, earning a grunt and watching him walk away.

"I expected a half-assed 'you're welcome' so this is a little different." I thought aloud. "Congrats, Iida." I awkwardly smiled as he stiffly thanked me.

"I'm glad you got the role you're passionate about." I nodded and walked off. I was kinda bored, so I slumped in somebody else's chair, behind Oji, and played with his fluffy tail. He didn't really react, he just subtly waved it around.

As I felt someone approach, I looked up to see Denki with a smirk on his face. "I know, my seat rules."

"True. This feels so nice." I replied, snuggling into Ojiro's tail. Denki agreed to let me sit in his seat for a while as I slept on Oji's tail for the rest of the day.


I felt something fluffy tickle my nose as I stirred awake, sleepily rubbing my eye. My necklace poked out of my shirt, so I briskly awakened and shoved it back in.

"Sorry, Oji!" I grinned, seeing as Aizawa had dismissed us. "You're too comfy~" I rubbed my face in his tail a little bit more before he pulled it away.

"Thanks, Y/n." He grinned, standing. "I have to head off. You'll be fine walking without me again?" he asked. I nodded as I waved him out. People were beginning to walk home together before someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey, Y/n!" Izuku cheered. I laughed and turned around. "Hey Izukun!"

"Wanna walk together?" He asked. I nodded gleefully as I hauled my satchel over my shoulder and walked with him out the door.

As we passed the gates of the school, I grew tired.

I soon realized I was drained and in need of an incredibly deep sleep, or to drain someone else of energy.

"H-hey, Izu?" I stammered, leaning on his shoulder. "Y-Y-Y-Yes?" He stuttered nervously, stiffening as he tried to help me stand.

I felt myself lick my lips.

"Can we play vaaaampire?"

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