Chapter 25.

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Y/n's POV.

After the surgery I didn't understand the purpose for, I was let out of the hospital.

And, as if on cue, met with a light 'bonk' on my head.

"Ryu Sama!" I huffed, before embracing her in a friendly hug. "Sorry if I troubled you!" I yelled.

"It's fine, though you worried me. What should I have told your father?" She teased. I stiffened, blushing.

"F-F-F-F-F-Father?!" I stammered, earning another laugh.

"You never called him 'dad'?" She tilted her head as we got into a limo.


Y/n, 6 years young.

"L/n Chan, your father is here." The new substitute caretaker grinned at me. I nodded, though I didn't understand what she meant by 'father' as I rushed outside with a backpack on.

"Oh, Sho!" I cheered, leaping into his grasp. He chuckled and thanked the lady before beginning our walk home.

"How was your day, kiddo?" He asked, putting me on his back.

"It was good! I played with Bakagou and Midori!" I cheered. "Then we did coloring, and tomorrow we get to draw our favorite hero!" I smiled.

"Really? Who's your favorite hero?" He looked back at me, somehow walking in a straight line.

"My dad!" I cheered, though the term was slightly unfamiliar to me. We were taught about family roles a while ago.

I felt Sho heat up when I hugged him, my small arms burning from his skin. I awkwardly pulled away, looking at my caretaker hopelessly. He stared at me, clearly unable to form words as his reddened face intensified.

"S-Sho! I'm sorry, you have a bad sunburn! Let's go to the doctor!" I yelled, leaping off his back to drag him off.

Maybe I shouldn't call him that. I don't want him to heat up again.


Y/n, 15 years of age.

"... Yeaaahh...." I coughed after explaining myself. I looked up at her, only to see her red face from holding in laughter. I raised a brow before she started screaming in laughter.

"Wh... Huh?!" I frowned at her dying. I couldn't prevent it but it confused me a heck of a lot.

"Okay, well that means he liked it so much he died a little inside." She grinned after regaining her breath.

"Then why did he get a really bad sunburn?!" I yelped.

"Duh, he was blushing because clearly you were super cute~!" She teased, pinching my cheeks. I felt myself blush, rethinking tee scenario before a pokerface grew.

"Oh." My pokerface intensified.

"We can talk about what I can tell him later, but for now we need to actually train. There's something you can improve." Ryu suddenly became serious, looking at me with a blank expression.

I nodded.

"That being...?"

"The fact that you take too many risks. I'm gonna help you think before you act." She joked, ruffling my hair. I puffed my cheeks out and neatened my hair before the car came to a halt.

We we're at a large facility, unknown to me.


"Ha-ah!" I yelled, sending waves of intense heat energy at a large tree.

It was now on fire.

"Okay. Now let's pretend I'm stuck in a forest full of these. How would you save me?" She asked. I tilted my head.

"Uh... Make sure you're clear of falling debris before I evacuate you calmly and safely in an efficient manner?!" I cheered, yet it sounded like a question.

"Okay, I thiiiink you're close to getting it. Let's pretend your... Boyfriend was about to be shot with a gun to his head. What do you do?"

"Clearly take the villains weapon away before leading-- I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" I cut myself off with my line of defense.

"Sure. Come on, you were right about that scenario anyway. This is the last day, so get your stuff together while I..
Fix this." She gestured to the rapidly spreading forest fire.

I snorted and gathered my stuff together, ready to leave.


"Thank you Ryu Sama! You were... So noice!" I poked my tongue out, feeling her grab it so I couldn't speak.

"You are too selfless Y/n. You were awesome." She released my tongue, muttering 'gross' as she wiped it on my shirt. I sat silently until I received a notification from Katsuki.

"Can I make a quick call?" I asked, earning approval as I dialed his number. It rung twice before he picked up.

"What the fuck did I tell you about calling me?!" He yelled, though I heard him pull in a sharp breath.

"How's Best Jeanist?" I smirked. I could feel his anger through the phone.

"My hair looks shitty. Worse than Kirishima." He mumbled. I began cackling.

"DON'T LAUGH LEECH!" His voice almost reached the ears of the lady sitting next to me.

"Well we're heading back now, are you?" I asked.

".... Oh yeah. Forgot you can't see me nod-- I mean HELL YEAH I AM NERD!" He cut himself off.

"Cute... Uh, see you in class. Love you!" I made kissy noises before I hung up after the long period of well earned silence.

"... Was that a boy, per chance?" Ryu grinned cheekily.

I raised a brow, before feeling my face grow hot.

"N-NO IT WAS MY COUSIN." I lied, forgetting that she knew I didn't have any.

"Sure. Okay. You must love your non-existent cousin." She winked, making me groan and slam my head into my hands.

"We are here." She said, mood dropping.


As we got out of the car, I couldn't help but feel like I'd miss her. "Hey, Ryu?" I looked over at her.

"Yeah?" She turned to face me, though seconds later tackled in a hug. I felt her freeze before embracing me tightly in return.

"I'll miss you, Ma'am!" I released her, bowing before hopping onto the train back.

I wonder what I'll be met with.

"And we are off!" I cheered to myself before deciding to put on a long shirt to hide the bandages from the incident.

Hopefully Aizawa doesn't notice!

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