Chapter 11.

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Y/n's POV, heading to USJ.

"Hey, Izuku! Wanna be bus buddies--" He cut me short, surprisingly enough.

"Can't, I'm with.... Tsuyu! Yeah!" He grinned incredibly wide before rushing away. I frowned, kinda disappointed that he turned down my offer. Oh well, I'll find someone...

"Bakugou, want--"

"No." His short answer made me a little more disappointed. "Sit with Deku or something, I don't wanna be near some Leech." He responded.

"But Kaaaatsu--" "No!"

I ended up leaving with a frown. All my friends are avoiding me~

WAIT, there is always...


As I leapt onto his back, he stumbled slightly and turned. "Oh. Hello, Y/n." His eyes were the only thing changing about his monotone expression.

"Wanna sit with me on the bus?" I served puppy eyes for effect.

"Sure." His straightforward yet positive response made my day much brighter.

I slid back down, with him being slightly taller, and straightened the wrinkles in my coat. Spoilers from Sho entail that we're going to the USJ to practise a rescue excersize.

"I'll give you your lunch after we come back, okay?" I smirked, poking my tongue out. He nodded, eyes emmidiately lightening. Looking closer, his eyes were different colours too.

One a mysterious Grey, the other a deep blue. I stared a little longer, the colours entrancing me deeper into his gaze.

"U-uh, Y/n...?" He stumbled over his words, snapping me out of my trance. "Cute." I bluntly stated, before hopping on the bus.

He said nothing as we sat beside eachother, and he kindly took an ear bud as I offered him a door to my Playlist. ZHEIND and Jaymes Young tracks began playing, making me slightly self conscious. What if he judged me for my music choice? Maybe my music taste is bad, or--

Luckily, his head was moving to the rhythm of 'Feel Something,' so I assumed my irrational thought process and looked behind me, seeing an angry Bakugou and a scared Izuku. Not very uncommon, but I was interested as I gave Todoroki my other ear bud.

"What're you talking about?" I asked.

"Oh, about the quirks of everyone in 1-A. That, and the temperament of Bakugou. Speaking of quirks... Your's is something like Energy Drain, right?"

I nodded at her question. "What about it?"

"I mean, do you heal quicker with the more energy have?"

I nodded again.

"Then can you heal other people?" Her tone of voice suddenly changed, the look on her face giving the smallest hint of mischief. I thought for a moment.

"I can make the healing process quicker, I think...? I've never really--" I was cut off by Todoroki.

"I like your music." He seemed tired. I giggled and forgot about the previous conversation, plugging in an ear bud to listen to music while Todo slowly became more and more drowsy.

Of course, the calm moment always end short.

"We're here, hop off." Aizawa's seemingly bored voice was drowned out by the students chatter as we all stood, though I was the only one wrapping up my earphones and putting them in my shirt. The coat could get lost, after all.

"Rescue hero 13!" I cheered, running up to them but refraining from hugging. Slowly but surely I'm beginning to hate being in this class.

As crowds formed beside me, I droned out and began just... Staring. He's pretty sparkly. I like his hair, what products does he use?

"Hey, I know what you're thinking." Aoyama suddenly whispered, making me jump. "I look perfect, I know."

I snorted. "Yeah, pretty close to it."

I was caught out from the conversation as I looked up at forming black mist. Last I heard, this wasn't part of the USJ experience. I froze in concern, seeing villains pouring out of the misty void.

"Everyone! Stay back!"

A villain stood out to me. His pale hair and the hint of red in his eyes was mortifying. My ears rang, a strong headache forming.

"Maybe he'll come around after a few of his precious students are dead."

I snapped out of it, ignoring the migraine forming and began sprinting to Iida in the chaos. Izuku was too busy muttering.

"Apparently the alarms didn't trip, so maybe one of them has a quirk to help them with that. Can you quickly grab reinforcements? I'll distract them while you get out that door over there." I explained, pointing to the door. "Find your way out."

"Denki! Can you try reconnect the alarm?" I yelled over the chaos. He nodded, deciding to try his best.

"Oi, handyman!" I called to the pale haired man covered in hands. I saw his face follow in my direction before I poked my tongue out right as Iida rammed the door.

"Hey! It's you!" Was all he had to say, before 13 attempted to evacuate the students. However, the misty dude stopped us.

I heard something about the League of Villains, but it was muffled as I focused on Aizawa's location. I looked to my right, seeing him fending off villains.

My first reaction was to help, but I recalled a lecture he gave me on illegal use of quirks, so I refrained from assisting the Pro Hero.


I decided to attempt to sprint away from the area, but before I could activate my quirk we were warped away. When I arrived, nobody was around me that I recognized. I was alone, facing off against villains. I guess I'll have to fend for myself in this cruel world.


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