End - Hitoshi Shinsou

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I was taken aback by his words. I... I did, in fact, return the feelings. It's the way he presented it that makes me feel like I need to step up my metaphorical GAME. His confession sounded so poetic, and mine should be some philosophical thing too, right? I hate having to come up with it, though. Maybe just let my tongue take the wheel and hope to All Might that I come up with a good result? No, screw poetic. I don't have time...!

"So... you like me?" I pretended to have not processed a word of what he said, only to knowingly annoy him. Hitoshi irritatedly groaned, head lolling backwards before his violet eyes met my own once more.

"Yeah, of course. Were you even listening? It might be even more, well... not 'might' and instead 'is' but-"

"So... not a friendly like?"

He slammed his palm into his face as I hid my smile, tilting my head to the side like I usually do when I'm either confused or curious.

"Dude, you're--... NO, a really like." I could tell I was pushing all the right buttons when his face grew redder by the syllable slipping through his lips. My e/c eyes became mischievous, but I hid it behind my curious mask.

"Well, wait a second." I muttered, resting a hand on my chin. Where did I put it...?

"You know you don't have to do poetic shit too, Y/n." He wore a smirk as  snapped my fingers in realisation. "Wait, Hitoshiiiii~" I whined, before rushing toward my drawer as he sat himself down on the comfortable mattress. I finally found a pair of scissors, though rusted, with a long string of red yarn. I hid it before walking up to him. Maybe he was slowly beginning to grow confused, as if the way I was going to reject him was off.

Maybe that's because i'm not, Shinsou.

"Close your eyes."

"Wait, are you planning on slapping me or something? You can just say, 'oh sorry but i'm gay' or something..." I rolled my eyes before he shut his eyes, obliging to my request.

I briskly tied one end around his pinky before tying the other end around my own. I snipped the string in half before standing back with my hands behind my back, leaving the scissors on the bed. I need to buy new ones, as rustic as they are.

"Fate. Open up!" I muttered, before cheering with a wide, lopsided grin. He opened his eyes, aloof, before staring down at his hand with sparkling eyes. "It's not as creative as you sounded, but I mean.... we're practically soulmates!" My smile faltered when I noticed his eyes glazing over.

"W-wait, no--... you're not supposed to cry, silly!" I laughed nervously, before he stood abruptly and embraced me in a tight, desperate hug. I immediately hugged back once I saw the pure smile he wore with tears threatening to stain his tired eyes.

"God, you dork."

"Your dork, maybe. A dork no less." I joked, before pulling away to wipe his eyes. "Quit the waterworks, you're making the ocean jealous."

"God, you're annoying." He couldn't contain his smile, and I couldn't contain mine.

"Cool. Hey, that look doesn't suit you." I winked. "I look better on you."

"... I regret even meeting you."


"Can I go apologize NOW?" I asked the lilac boy as he sat on my bed, grip around my waist as I laid on top of him and faced the ceiling.

"Nope. Broccoli would say something cheesy like 'oh y/n you in my heart' and lesbean would go 'dude imma tell santa I want you gay' and then explodo would say 'oi fuckface I wasted an entire four hours on you' and finally the halfbreed would say something like 'im sleepy and make me lunch.'" Hitoshi muttered, before rolling over so I was forced onto my side.

"Well, what would YOU say?"

He thought for a moment, before blowing warmth on my ear as I squealed.

"Something like 'ah well my heart' or like Jaymes Young." He released his hold on me. I rolled further away from him so I got a better view.

"Uh huh. Wait, the song 'Habits of my Heart'?" I asked, an eyebrow raised. He shrugged.

"Dunno. You know, this is one of the worst possible outcomes." He mentioned, leaving me to wallow in confusion as he stood.

"But I loooove you, Hitoshi!" I grasped his arm before he could go anyway.

"Let go, I'm thirsty. That, and I'm going to be in trouble when they realized both you and I skipped class." He groaned, before knowing I wouldn't oblige and instead dragging me out with him. I was met with a disturbed Tokoyami.

"Bitch, where's my-- Y/N DO YOU HAVE MY UNDERWEAR?!" Bakugou yelled from down the hall as Shinsou bent down to pick me up. Oh, if only I had a better view of dAt a--

"NO, BUT I KNOW WHO STOLE YO VIRGINITY!" I screamed back. Poor Shinsou and Tokoyami.

"FUCKING--" I tapped Shinsou violently, causing him to kick into high speed as he jogged the other way with a heavy object in his arms. However, he wasn't breaking a sweat.

"Dude, you work out?" I asked, voice shaking from the bumpy ride.

"Yeah, after the Sports Festival I had to." He grinned before turning a corner. His tired eyes scanned behind us before I fell out of his grip as both he and Katsuki tripped over me.

"Fucking gay." I teased, though slightly jealous.

Katsuki was closer to tapping dat ass than I ever could be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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