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The rain was pouring down when Yoongi arrived at Jimin's apartment building. He made a run for the entrance in an attempt to avoid getting soaked. He ended up drenched, anyway.

Deciding against knocking and waking the others up, he sent the younger a message letting him know he was waiting. Small, quiet footsteps and then, Jimin's wide-eyed face staring at him from inside the dark apartment.

He knew at that moment Jimin was truly terrified to tell him whatever it was that had to be said.

"Come in," his voice cracked slightly, but Yoongi paid no mind.

The older entered and waited for Jimin to close and lock the door before following him to his room.

Jimin plopped down on his bed and his hyung did the same.

The soft light emanating from his small table lamp reflected and shimmered in Yoongi's eyes, he noticed. It was a beautiful sight.

"Um," Jimin searched for the words that had seemingly escaped his mind.

"Take your time, it's okay." Yoongi reassured him.

Taking his offer, he gathered his thoughts for a few seconds before finally speaking up. "I'm sorry I asked you to come so late," Jimin started.

Yoongi just shook his head as though it were nothing. Really, at this point, there was nothing he wouldn't do for Park Jimin. His intrigued gaze remaining focused on the nervous boy sat before him.

"I decided that it was time to finally tell you how I feel. I'm so tired of hiding my true feelings from you. I'm not sure how obvious I've been about it for the past month or so, but I like you a lot Yoongi. It's okay if you don't feel the same way, I understand if you don't. I really do. I just thought I should go ahead and say it so I don't have to hide it anymore," Jimin concluded, nervously playing with the sleeves of his hoodie. He didn't know why he was acting so childish about it; he was a grown man after all.

The silence that followed became unbearable. Looking up and opening his mouth to apologize, he was cut short upon seeing Yoongi's soft smile.

"Jiminie," a gummy smile appeared, and the sight of it brought a grin onto Jimin's face as well.

"I'm glad you told me, so I didn't have to work up the courage to. I was so nervous that you didn't feel the same way as I do, but here we are..." Yoongi shrugged with a laugh. The younger took that as an opportunity to scoot over and hug him tightly, a laugh making its way out of his mouth as well.

It seemed that they were always laughing when they were around one another, but quite honestly, neither of them minded it one bit.

They sat hugging in silence for a long while. The only noises that could be heard were Jeongguk's snores from the next room over, and the quiet ticking of the clock on the wall.


"Yes, Jimin?"

"I want to make this official, so, will you be my boyfriend?" He whispered shyly.

Yoongi let out a barely-audible giggle at the cute exchange that was occurring. Filled with joy and without a second thought, he responded.

"I'd be honored to."

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