Chapter 8

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Nate's POV

I can't believe she did that. I thought she would understand that I'd rather wait when when alone and when it is more special in, instead of just doing it when there's just under hundred people done stairs. I got up and started to fix my shirt and jacket. I then flattened my hair. I took a big breathe in and out. I walked out of her room and down stairs. As i was descending the stairs, I say Blaire looking angry and sad. I thought for a second is was because of me but then i saw her staring some blonde girl. I couldn't quite make out who the girl was but as I got closer to the ground I saw who it was. Serena. I couldn't believe it. How could she be here. I can't deal with her and Blaire. I didn't realize that i was staring at until she stared right back at me. Just that stare I could tell that she knew. She knew I didn't tell Blaire about that one night where we.... I can't think about that know. All I needed to do was get Blaire out of her before she makes a scene. I walked over next to Blaire.

"Come on, you should go, you can't deal with her," I said.
" she doing here," Blaire said staring at me now.
"I don't know but you should back up to your room, I'll sort it out," i said. I could she she was trying to hold back tears.
"This is not your problem to solve," she said slowly.
"It actually is," she looked at me confused but she just nodded and took one last glance at Serena and hurried up the stairs. I walked over to where Serena was.

"What are you doing here," I questioned.
"Is that how you welcome me?" she asked madly.
"You leave for over a year, and magically appear at Blaire's house, why?" i said.
"You know why I left and it wasn't my choice to come back, my mum thought it would be better if I did, obviously its not," she said with a angry look in her eyes.
"If I were you I would leave right now because if Blaire comes back down and see you I don't know what she would do," I said.
"I guess I'm not welcomed here anymore like I used to," she said before pushing past me.

Chloe's POV

I saw Serena hurry off out of the party. I hurried after her.
"Where are you going?" I called out after her. She stops and turns around. I could tell that she was only seconds away from crying.
"I'm not welcomed here, I don't belong here anymore," she says wiping the tears away.
"I don't belong here either, but somehow I fit in," I say. "I'm not into all the glamour and being rich, I'd rather be hanging out in normal places not this," I say. I could tell that she understood how I felt.
"The thing is I did fit in here about a year ago and now its like everybody hates me and wishes to kill me than be friends," she says.
"I don't hate you, I actually like you a lot ," I say with a smile. She smiles back.
"You maybe the only friend I have, thank you," she says.
"What are you going to do?" i ask curious.
"I have no idea, I'll talk to my mum but she'll make me stay here even though i don't want to and nobody really does," she saids wiping away the tears that are on her face.
"If you ever need anything or just to talk I'm here," i say.
"Thank you so much, i better go now but seriously thank you so much," she says as she turns away and runs off.
"Wow, impressive," someone says behind me. I turn around to see the boy that was staring at me before.
"Excuse me, were you listening the whole time?" ask angry.
"Yep and by the way does Blaire know about your little friendship with Serena?" he ask.
"No and I'm not going to tell her either are you and by the way who are you?" i asked.
"I'm Chuck Bass," he says a calm voice. My phone and his phone ding at the same time. I look confused but he looks like this has happened before. I pull out my phone to see a nonification from gossip girl. This had been my first one so I thought it would be nothing so I decided not to look at it. I put my phone back.
"If I were you I would read it," he says.
"Its just going to be some random crap that I don't care about," i say about to "accidentally" nudge him.
"Well the random crap is about you," he says. I look at him, only a few inches away. I look into to his eyes but see nothing but amusement. I grab my phone out and go to gossip girl.
Hello upper east side. It seems that Serena has returned but not to a very welcoming group. But it seems that she may have a friend. It seems newbie Chloe Marie might be the only friend Serena has showing them having a heart to heart before Serena runs out of Blaires building. Thats all for tonight new york. 
- xoxo Gossip Girl.

I looked around all over the place but there was no one here besides chuck or me. 
"Why would you post this?" i screamed.
"I didn't." he says,
"Your the only one here! Who else could have done it?" i says.
"I promise you I didn't do, anyways why would I do it?" he says.
"I don't know you just seem like the type of guy who would do this sort of crap," I yell.
"Well i guess you don't know the type of guy I am," he says with a smirk.
"I knwo exactly the time of guy you are, you are one of the guys who convince girls he like them but you only do it to get in there pants," I say. "I say what gossip girl said about you, so trust me I know exactly what type of guy you are," I yell as I push past him. He grabs my arm and pushes me against him.
"You don't even know who I am, you don't even know what type of person I am," he says raising his voice a little. "And if i was gossip girl I wouldn't have but that stuff about me on there," he says calmly. I try to struggle out of his grip but he doesn't let go. I look into his eyes but see nothing. He finally lets go. I storm off back to the party. As I walk through the door I see nate talking to Blaire. I walk over.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" i ask Blaire. She turns at me and all I see is hatered in her eyes.
"Why would you do that to me, I thought we were friends but no you went to her and you comforted instead of me!" she said yelling. "You chose her over me,"
"Serena I'm sorry, i was just trying to help her," I say.
"She doesn't need help, she can surivive one her own," She shouted. "I want you to leave now. I want you to get out of my house and give me back my shoes,"
"What? I can't walk back to my house with no shoes," i yell back. (later that night I had recieved a text from my mum saying she had left).
"Well, just get a cab.," she says.
"I don't have any money, i spent it on this dress," i yelled.
"Thats not my problem," she says. I looked at her so angryily i thought my eyes were going to pop out. I yank off one show then the other and chuck them at her.
"I didn't even like them anyways, they were to big, obvious people don't notice that you have elephant feet," I say as i storm out. I walk out the lobby onto the pavement. Shit, it was freezing. My house was probably a good solid 45 minute walk. I knew my mum would probably be in bed by now and she wouldn't want to pick me up at this hour. I slowly start to walk the very long journey.
"Hey Chloe," I heard someone say behind. I turn around to see Dan. 
"Hey, what are you doing out this late," I say.
"I just finished work, I work at a resturant just down the road," he says. "Where are your shoes?" he asks grinning.
"Long story," I say smiling.
"Are you planning on walking home," he ask.
"Well, i have now money nor do i have a ride so yes i plan on walking through new york all by myself probably going to get lost because I've lived here for about 2 to 3 weeks," i say rubbing my face.
"You could stay at mine if you want, i don't have a care nor money and I don't really trust the streets of new york at this time," He ask.
"Are you sure?" I said hoping he would say yes. "Your parents wouldn't mind or your sister?"
"I'll just explain what happened and he will totally understand but you may have to sleep on the couch," he says.
"I'm fine with that, i'll just text my mum I'm staying at Blaires because she wouldn't never let me stay over at a boys place," i say. We start walking to his place.

A/N I was just wondering if you guys like the different character POV if you think its to much and i should just focus on Chloe then comment down below xoxo

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